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Other Homework Help. WSSU Milton Gordons Seven Phase Assimilationist Perspective Question


Questions One:

Discuss ALL the features of Milton Gordon’s seven phase “Assimilationist Perspective”. To what extent have Native Americans followed all these phases? Sociologists have identified factors that tend to influence the assimilation process; discuss how all these factors have influenced the assimilation of Native Americans? Thinking about Native Americans specifically, what do you think are the shortcomings of Gordon’s assimilationist perspective?

Question Two

First, discuss the relationship between prejudice, discrimination and institutional discrimination; support your work with examples. Second, using ALL THE FOLLOWING THEORIES a) the Scapegoat Hypothesis and b) one of the Sociological explanations of Prejudice, explain why some people are prejudiced towards Jewish Americans. Thinking about Jewish Americans, what are the strengths and limitations of the two theories?

Questions Three:

A) Using information from the US Census, your textbook and other relevant sources, outline the most current economic and demographic characteristics of English Americans. B) Using as many of the features of ethnic stratification studied in this course discuss whether English Americans are a dominant or a minority group. C) Discuss any forms of discrimination, prejudice and racism against English Americans in American society. If they have not faced any of these negative experiences, can you explain why you feel they have been immune to them? D) To what extent have English Americans assimilated to American society? Note; to answer question D fully you must show the extent to which members have conformed or not conformed to each of the seven phases of assimilation offered by Gordon.

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