Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UMCP Social Service Perspective Tribal Government Discussion

There are more than 550 legally recognized Indian Tribes in the United States. To learn more about tribal government, read the

. This report provides a good overview of how tribal governments are organized and function. It explains the relationship between tribal governance and the federal government.

Read the report and then answer the following questions:

  • Review the 7 FAQ’s on pages 4-8 in the report. Pick two different facts and, in 3-4 sentences for each, explain how the information provided increased your understanding of Native Americans.
  • American Indian and Alaskan Native tribes are Sovereign Nations. In 3-4 sentences, explain what being a sovereign nation means.
  • Read the explanation of the relationship between the federal government and the tribes (pages 17-18 of the report). What challenges do you think face tribes in their efforts to provide for the well-being of their members? (1-2 paragraphs).

Law Homework Help