Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. AKS Health Information Technology Project

Hello please i need help with this assighment i want all the information from USA – California but please do not mention in the pharagrpph the name of (California) but get the information from California i add the first part of the project down below

Request for Information/Request for Proposal (RFI/RFP)

Project 1 -Part 2

This is a template is designed to assist you in the creation of your RFI/RFP. This tool is a fundamental part of the selection process for any vendor your organization is considering to utilize within the facility. The RFI/RFP should include information about your organization as well as the requirements the potential vendor needs to meet to be considered. Sections 1 and 2 are completed by the facility. Sections 3 & 4 are normally completed by the Vendor, but for this assignment some areas may need to be completed by you (demonstrate your research). Sections 5 & 6 are completed by the facility.

  • Introduction
    • Brief Description of the Facility
    • Facility Information
      • Complete Address
      • Market: What type of setting is your facility identifying any specifications that need to be considered. (acute, ambulatory, long-term, home health, etc.)
      • Enterprise Information: The organization should provide all relevant information including whether the facility is a part of a healthcare delivery system, the facilities that are included in the project and their locations.
      • Size: Should include any relevant information specific to your organization needs related to the product being considered. For example, number of discharges, number of encounters, beds, etc. (Review your HI 101 textbook chapter for Healthcare Delivery Systems)
      • General Description of Current Systems Environment. This area should include general information regarding your organization’s current IT systems structures such as your hardware, operating systems.
    • Scope: The organization should provide a brief narrative description of the project that the RFP/RFI covers and the environment seeking for implementation approach. (Review Ch. 9 & 10)
  • Statement of Purpose
    • Overall Business Objectives/Drivers – list business goals seeking to achieve by implementing the product.
    • Key Desired Functionality – List the various features and functions of the system that is desired including any pertinent details.
    • HIM Department Operations – If for the HIM department, list the various processes and functions of the system it is looking for including pertinent details.
    • System Administrations – Records Management and Evidentiary Support – Provide facility requirements for this functionality specifying detailed system requirements.
    • Future Plans – Provide a general description of long-term plans identifying future systems and projected timetables.
  • Requirements – Vendors should provide availability and timelines for development of product to fulfill requirements not available at this time.
    • User Requirements – Each functional area is expected to have its own set of user requirements. Provide sample questions related to the product being considered for functional user requirements and features.
    • System RequirementsProvide a list to vendors of what current technology needs that will require support. This will provide the vendor the ability to provide information on their system’s available requirements.
    • Interfaces: Provide a list of existing interfaces that will need to be supported, as well as new interfaces that will have to be created and supported, including any pertinent interoperability information that exists and will be needed in the future. Vendors should provide information regarding their system’s ability to meet the organization’s interface requirements.
  • Vendor Questionnaire – The organization should request information about the vendor and the product to assist with decision making.
    • Vendor Background and Financial Information
      • Company Name and Geography – the organization should request an address close to the facility as well as the headquarters.
      • Company Goals
      • Year the company was established, significant mergers, acquisitions and sell-offs.
      • Whether the company is public or privately owned.
      • Bankruptcy or legal issues including the name of the bankruptcy was filed and when, or any pertinent lawsuits closed or pending, filed against the company.
      • Research and Development Investment – expressed in total amount or percentage of total sales.
      • Status of Certification
    • Statement of Key Differentiators – the vendor should provide a statement describing what differentiates its products and services from competitors.
    • Customer Base and References
      • Customer list – total number of customers per feature or function
      • References that can be contacted – the vendor should provide references based on product features and functions most suitable to the facility, as well as those using the latest versions of the product.
    • Qualifications – the vendor should provide a list of qualifications and resumes including a list of similar projects and clients.
    • User Participation
      • User groups – Organization should provide a list of the user groups and ask whether it can attend a meeting or call for review purposes.
      • Requirements Gathering – the vendor should request information regarding customer participation in requirements-gathering stage of system development. How is customer feedback, or new requirements handled?
    • Technology – the vendor should provide technology specifications that support the product (database architecture, operating system, ASP vs. in-house etc.)
    • Services – describe the services offered and corresponding fees.
    • Training – the vendor should outline the training provided during and after implementation.
    • Product Documentation – the vendor should specify the product documentation that is available and its formats
    • Implementation/Migration – the vendor should provide detailed information about the implementation such as the timelines and resources required.
    • Data Conversion
      • If the system is not currently ICD-10-CM/PCS or Version 5010 compliant, describe plans for becoming compliant by regulatory required dates.
      • How will the system handle both ICD-9 an ICD-10 data?
      • How long will the system support both ICD-9 an ICD-10 codes?
      • If the system uses GEMS describe how the integrity of the maps is maintained.
      • Describe other data conversions
    • Maintenance
      • Updates/Upgrades – information on how the system is maintained including how often upgrades/updates are applied, methods used (remote vs on-site) and by whom
      • Compliance with Meaningful Use Incentive Requirements
      • Expected Product Lifetime – vendor should outline the expected time frame for the next version requiring a different platform or operating system upgrade
      • Customer Support – vendor should outline the types of customer support packages offered, (24/7, weekdays only) methods of support (help desk, tickets) and the tools used (email, 800 number, web-based)
      • Expected Facility Support – vendor should outline the number of full-time employees expected to support the product at the facility
    • Pricing Structure
      • Product Pricing
        • Price – broken down by application/model, include licensing fees
        • Cost of Ownership – breakdown over a certain number of proposed contract years
        • Other Costs – maintenance, upgrades, consultation and support fees, post implementation training and services, travel
        • Discounts – any discount that may apply such as participating in a Beta program
      • Invoicing (fee schedule and terms)
      • Return on Investment
      • Acceptance Period – the vendor should outline the terms for validating the product after implementation and the refund policy
    • Warranty – The organization should request a copy of the warranty as well as how it is affected by maintenance and support agreements after the implementation period
  • Vendor Requirements and Instructions
    • RFP Questions
    • Response Format, Deadline, and Delivery
    • Contract Duration – the facility should request the vendor to disclose how long the returned information will be considered valid
  • Terms and Conditions
    • Confidentiality – State confidentiality rules in regard to the information the facility disclosed in the RFP as well as the rules pertaining to the information provided by the vendor
    • Information Access – facility should describe who will have access to the returned RFP and for what purpose
    • Bid Evaluation and Negotiation – facility should briefly describe the evaluation process and the deadlines and provide the appropriate information if vendors are allowed to negotiate after the evaluation is complete
    • Formal Presentation – facility should describe process ad format requirements if the vendor is invited to present the product
    • Acceptance or Rejection – facility should describe how the vendor will be notified regardless of whether the product is selected or not
    • Contract Provisions – facility should note the sections of the RFP response that can b included in the final contract
    • Type of Contract – facility should let the vendor know if this will be firm fixed price, cost plus fixed fee, a time and materials, or other type of contract

Sayles, Nanette EdD, RHIA. 2021. Introduction to Information Systems for HIT, Appendix A

Health Medical Homework Help