Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. University Of Nairobi Net Neutrality Presentation

Cloud technology essentially is the ability to access and utilize System and Application Software via the internet hosted by a third party server. Even easier said, you are accessing and using features on another computer and using the internet to do it. This concept is revolutionizing because the need for personal hard drives and software installation will be obsolete. A device only needs a strong internet connection to access and utilize all of the features they need for business and personal reasons.

There are many cloud services out there and they all have their similarities and differences. Please watch the following video for a general overview of what the cloud is and how we can use it to make things much more efficient.What is “The Cloud” as Fast As Possible (Links to an external site.)What is "The Cloud" as Fast As Possible

Follow the steps below to complete the discussion:

  1. Choose the topic that really excites you to the extent that you want to investigate it further and deeper.
    • The First Amendment and Communication Paradigms
    • Controlling Speech in Cyberspace
    • Decisions about Legal but Objectionable Content
    • Leaking Sensitive Material
    • Anonymity
    • The Global Net: Censorship and Political Freedom
    • Net Neutrality
  2. Once you have chosen your topic navigate to (Links to an external site.)
    • Click on Go to Google Slides and then from there you need to login.
    • If you do not have a Google account, click the Add Account button and create one.
  3. Once logged in to Google Slides click on the plus (+) icon. This will create a new blank presentation for you. Select a Theme (you can change this later). Find where it says Untitled Presentation in the top left hand corner and change the name to: CISC 181 Your First and Last Name and Your Topic (substitute your details).
  4. Begin by creating your presentation (3 slide minimum)
    • Slide 1: This will be a Title style slide and you will place your name (title) and topic (subtitle).
    • Slide 2: This slide will be in Title and Content style. A title textbook at the top and a bulleted list read textbox in the center. Make sure to include the following elements.
      • Add the following title text box in Slide 2.
        • The title of the topic you chose above.
      • Add the following content text box in Slide 2
        • Individual and Societal Influences: In what ways does this topic influence and impact the individual and society. What issues are present. Think broadly to consider this section within the context of the United States and outside of the United States.
    • Slide 3: This slide will be in Title and Content style. A title textbook at the top and a bulleted list read textbox in the center. Make sure to include the following elements.
      • Add the following title text box in Slide 3.
        • The title of the topic you chose above.
      • Add the following content text box in Slide 3.
        • The Internet: In what ways is the Internet, as a technology, shaping this topic.
        • Examples and Current Articles: Relevant current examples and descriptions as evidenced by recent articles.
    • Use of graphics, animation, color, design, slide themes, etc is encouraged.
    • Be sure to follow the 6×6 rule: no more than 6 lines on a slide and no more than 6 words on each line.
    • Use of the notes section at the bottom of the slide can be used to go in to more detail as necessary.
    • Be sure to “chunk” your topics in a way that organization, flow, and summarizing main themes and ideas is a priority.
    • You may add more slides if you wish to further elaborate, but you are only required to create 2 slides
  5. Posting Your Presentation: Once finished with your presentation, click on the Share button in the upper right hand corner of Google Slides. Then, in the pop up window, click on the Get Shareable Link button. Make sure the link settings say “Anyone with the link can view.” Do not choose one of the options that allows other to edit.
  6. Create a new post. Then copy & paste your presentation’s link to your finished presentation.
    • Be sure to post your link as a hyperlink (use the Insert/Edit link button) so that it is easily clickable by your classmates.
    • Include a short 2 to 3 sentence summary.
    • After making your post go back and verify that when you click on your link you are taken to your presentation and it is viewable.
  7. Commenting on a Classmate’s Presentation: Next, navigate to at least 2 of your classmate’s finished presentations.
    • Once the presentation is open click on the View menu and then choose Present.
    • Review all of the information provided in each presentation.
    • Choose one presentation, other than your own, to thoroughly reflect and comment on.
    • Review this presentation in more detail, including following the links provided, considering each of the ideas presented, etc.
      • Reply to the thread and provide a one paragraph commentary on what you thought the presentation you reviewed did particularly well.
      • In addition, provide a one paragraph commentary on what you thought could have been improved on this presentation, if anything.
      • Please keep all comments professional, courteous, and positive.
    • Your initial post and classmate responses must be on different days prior to the due date.
      • 25-50% of your score will be deducted for failure to post on different days.
  8. Refer to the Discussion Board Rules for details on what is expected on your participation in this discussion to ensure you earn full credit.

Business Finance Homework Help