Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. MSCS 615 ECPI University Cloud Forensic Processes Discussion Questions


Security and Privacy Concerns

Cloud computing has changed the way organizations manage their information technology assets, such as hardware and software. Some IT professionals consider cloud computing to be a “double-edged sword” when managing their IT assets couple with numerous regulations and policies in which the company has to comply with.

Conduct Internet research and locate an article or scholarly journal in which potential or actual privacy and security concerns associated with cloud computing are discussed.

In a minimum of two full pages, not including title and reference pages, in a Microsoft Word document, make sure to:

  • Explain what the problem was regarding privacy and security
  • Provide one or more recognized solutions to overcome the regulatory, privacy, and security concerns you identified above.
  • Do you think organizations should understand how its cloud service provider will protect their data? What security standards and procedures are in place to protect against data theft or a security breach? Explain your answers.


Chen, L., Takabi, H., & Le‐Khac, N.‐A. (2019). Security, privacy, and digital forensics in the cloud. Higher Education Press.

Computer Science Homework Help