Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Hudson Valley Community College Library Methods Discussion


Post three examples to this Discussion Board. Please try to pick different examples from other students, and please don’t just pick three easy ones and leave all the harder ones for other students.  If we run out of methods, you can find and describe some different methods that you found on the Java Oracle Online Reference, listed under Links.

Look at each of the following library methods. Tell what the method does.  Then tell either what class the method is in if it is static or the object used if it is non-static. Then tell what the argument(s) are and what type the arguments are.  Then tell what the return value is and what the return type is.  If necessary, look up your methods on the Java Oracle Online Reference, listed under Links.  Please identify the ones you picked in your answers. These are the ones I chose





cosh(5.5) – finds the hyperbolic cosine

class – Math

argument – 5.5 as a double

return – 122.34800951782942 as a doubl

this is what my teachers answer looked like, just so you can have some reference.

Programming Homework Help