Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Cuyahoga Community College Take a Look at This Heart Film Discussion Board



This week you are required to watch the film, “Take a Look at This Heart” (Length 1 hr. 38) You can access the film link below: 

Discussion Board Requirements

  • You are required to respond to the following questions.  Your initial response must be thorough, and a minimum of 3-5 sentences for each question. 
  • Afterward, you are required to reply to three of your classmates.  Your response must be at least 3 sentences and cannot simply say, “good job,” or “I agree with you,” etc…  Your responses must be respectful of the opinions of others. 
  • To receive full points you must respond to the film and reply to three of your classmates.  

Discussion Board Questions 

  1. Prior to watching the film, what were your assumptions about disability and sexuality? 
  2. After watching the film, explain how your perspectives changed or stayed the same? 
  3. What was the most impactful part of the film and why? 

Frist classmate

Prior to the film the assumptions I had about disability were that it is a community of people with a condition that makes it difficult to do certain tasks in any sort of state (physical, mental, emotional). Assumptions that I had about sexuality prior to the film is that there were many kinds as the world has progressed. When I was in elementary school, I just thought that you either had to be attracted to girls or boys and I went along with my day. Yet, now there are a lot of sexualities, and although it is different from what I have learned growing up I respect any sort of sexuality.

After the film my perspectives on disability remained the same, but my views on sexuality has changed. My perspective on disability remained the same because it appears as if that the conditions that these people were in had set them back in some sort of way. Although they have overcome ways to live a life where it does not bother them at all they have admitted to their mental health being low once they initially got hurt. What came to mind for them was “Who is going to love me?” or “How am I going to do this?” which is due to their unfortunate conditions. On the other hand, my views on sexuality changed after seeing the people in this film with disabilities easily finding love, and now my view on sexuality is not about what you like. It is more of the closeness you feel with a significant other, and how much a person is willing to go through for another person regardless of gender or anything in that regard.

The most impactful part of the film for me was when the man with one leg which I forget what his name was, but when he went out in the public asking strangers questions about their views on if he were to hit on them or sexuality questions in general. It was pretty eye opening to hear their responses since they seemed very authentic, and I just felt that today’s society is super judgemental but they were open to even talking on such a sensitive subject. Also, when he was clubbing and hiking with the fast-paced music. He seemed very happy, and just living life how anyone should be able to. It made me realize I take a lot of things for granted, and even stress out too much so it is not a bad idea to just let go sometimes.

Second classmate

I already had a relatively good understanding and awareness of disability and sexuality before I watched the movie. I had some previous training on the subject, and I have also worked with many older adults that are disabled. I know that sexuality is an integral part of our life and contributes to our well-being. That does not change because someone has a disability. I also know how difficult it can be for people to talk about this subject. Even people with disabilities have misconceptions about their sexuality and which accommodations are available to have a healthy sex life.

My perception about disability and sexuality for people with disabilities did not change after I watched the movie. I still think that sex and intimacy are essential to have a good quality of life for anybody. However, the film made me more aware of how important it is to talk openly about this matter to erase negative stereotypes and false assumptions.

The movie was impactful as a whole, and I cannot say that one part affected me more than another. I liked that the film addressed many of the barriers preventing an individual with disabilities from expressing and living their sexuality. The movie addressed topics that can be difficult to approach with a potential partner out of fear or embarrassment. It is excellent that they covered incontinence and how it can affect someone’s sexuality. Incontinence is often a massive barrier for older adults to have a fulfilling sex life. People are often too ashamed to talk about incontinence, and it is still a big taboo.

Another area that I thought important is that non-disabled partners did discuss their own emotional and mental barriers that made them reluctant even to consider a relationship with a disabled person and how they overcame that. For example, one of the misconceptions many people have is that disabled people cannot have sex and are not viable partners. On the other side, disabled individuals may believe that their disabilities make them less sexually desirable for a person without disabilities. Therefore, I think it is essential that we open dialogs about this subject to better educate people. Any of us or our partners could acquire a disability, so it is of interest to everyone.

Third classmate

Prior to watching this film, I didn’t have a lot of assumptions about disability and sexuality because I didn’t know much about it. However, I sometimes wondered if some people with a disability might be asexual because of a lack of body functionality. At the same time, I realized that sexuality is a lot more complex than that–it isn’t just a biological function. Sexuality can be expressed in so many ways, and a lack of certain types of body functions shouldn’t necessarily be an issue. So I was somewhat conflicted in my thinking, and had a lot of curiosity and questions about different aspects of this topic.

After watching the film, so many of the questions I’d always wondered about were answered. I thought it was really cool that the film went so deeply into different aspects of sexuality, intimacy, relationships, dating, desire, emotions, families/parenthood, and more. I felt that this film was the perfect ending module for this course, because it did such a good job of showing us how people with disabilities are truly not different from everyone else. We essentially all want the same things– and that includes wanting a genuinely happy life, with meaningful relationships and friendships, love and romantic relationships, intimacy, and sexual freedom. And we all have insecurities about our own abilities to be loved, to be considered attractive, and to be looked at as sexual beings. But at the same time, every person (whether disabled or able-bodied) is different, and is going to have their own views, perspectives, and sexual needs.

For me, the most impactful part was how much I related to the things that people in the film were expressing. Although I’m not disabled, and I can’t identify with all of the things that the people in the film were revealing about their sexuality, I could identify with a lot of it. Fears about body issues, uncertainties about achieving genuine romantic relationships, hope for family and children…these are all feelings I have had in my own life. Learning these things, and hearing the personal feelings of everyone in the film gave me a deeper understanding that built upon all of the other things we have learned in this class.

Other Homework Help