Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. IT 332 SNHU Elastic and Inelastic Traffic & Information Technology Paper


Part 1: Traffic on a network or the internet can be divided into two broad categories: elastic and inelastic. A consideration of their differing requirements clarifies the need for enhanced internet architecture. As the network director and architect, you need to communicate network and internet traffic information to management. Research elastic traffic and inelastic traffic and, in a three-page paper, not including the title and reference pages, define elastic and inelastic traffic, explain the differences between elastic and inelastic traffic, identify at least two elastic applications and at least two inelastic applications, and list the requirements for each of the elastic and inelastic applications identified.

PART 2: Prompt

For the given scenario, evaluate business needs and design an optimal infrastructure for systems, network, and storage. Then, you will conduct research on at

least two potential systems management tools for your design plan and compare their benefits. Prepare and submit a design plan and proposal with the

recommended IT infrastructure for submission to a business management team.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Design Plans

A. Network Solutions

i. What type of a network(s) would you use to address network management needs for the enterprise in the scenario? Why did you

choose this specific network?

ii. How does your design solution optimize the network infrastructure for meeting enterprise needs?

iii. Design a diagram that explains all components of the network. Be sure your design addresses both the physical and logical connections

to the network itself.

iv. Employ appropriate terminology and explanations related to your network solution plans for communicating findings with an audience

that has subject matter expertise.

B. Storage Solutions

i. What type of a storage solution would you use for addressing storage management needs for the enterprise in the scenario? Why did

you choose this specific storage solution?

ii. How does your design solution optimize the storage infrastructure for meeting enterprise needs?

iii. Design a diagram showing how the storage would be physically and logically connected to the network. Be sure to label all components

of the storage and provide a brief description of the storage connectivity.

iv. Employ appropriate terminology and explanations related to your storage solution plans for communicating findings with an audience

that has subject matter expertise.

C. Hardware/Software Systems Solutions

i. What operating system solution would you use to address systems management needs for the enterprise in the scenario? Why did you

choose these specific systems?

ii. How does your solution optimize the infrastructure for meeting enterprise needs?

iii. Design a table showing a comparison of the current operating systems’ features and functionality with your selected operating systems’

features and functionality. Be sure your table shows a clear representation of how the system you have chosen better meets enterprise


iv. Employ appropriate terminology and explanations related to your system solution plans for communicating findings to an audience that

has subject matter expertise.

Engineering Homework Help