Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Walden University Week 1 Long Term Goals and Objectives Essay


Submit a 2-page paper in which you begin working on elements of the service plan for the service user you selected. In your paper, complete the following:

  • Write 2 long-term goals and then 2–3 short-term objectives for each goal for the service user using the SMART format.
  • Explain why you think these would be the most important goals, based on the case information from Week 1 and the video clip from this week.
  • Explain how you would consider what the service user wants. What would you do if the service user had a different perspective on their goals than you? How would you ensure that individuality, independence, choice, and dignity are respected in your service planning?
  • Georgia is a 56-year-old woman and a
    self-professed “product of the system” due to
    an early history of traumas. As a young girl,
    Georgia was sexually abused by her father.
    In her teens, this sexual abuse was carried
    on by her brother, resulting in an abortion
    and a 2-year psychiatric hospitalization.
    Georgia describes this time away from her
    family as a happy time. Hospital auspices
    allowed her to finish high school, where she promptly decided to move away and attend college. Georgia went on to pursue her graduate degree, where her hard work and academic achievements earned her a position as a college professor. As Georgia excelled in the professional world, her personal life continued to silently crumble. Her past made her hesitant to initiate any form of intimate relationship, making her attempts fail after a few awkward dates. She tried to bury feelings of loneliness by consuming herself with work, but that gave way to binge drinking and inconsistent patterns in her diet. Her students at the college reported her as either showing up to class drunk or not at all. These incidents led to multiple hospitalizations, forcing the college to relieve Georgia from her position indefinitely.Georgia has a dual diagnosis of major depression and substance use disorder. She also has type 2 diabetes. She is single, with no children, and has been living in a group home for people with disabilities for the past year. She is not working and is surviving on social security benefits. Though she does not drive, Georgia is able to get to most appointments through the group home’s shuttle. She has no problem sharing her distrust of government agencies with you, giving detailed examples of how each one only cares about the best ways to help themselves.


Georgia Program Transcript

FEMALE SPEAKER: You might think I’m comfortable living here, eating with my neighbors, getting nursing help, playing games, but I’m also bored as hell. I’d like to work again in the community, maybe even at a university. I was happiest when I was teaching. But who would hire me? The diabetes is doing a number on my eyes. So I can’t see all that well.

I’m sober now, have been since I moved here. But I’m also in my 50s and spent that time in psychiatric hospitals. I don’t think anyone from the college would give me a reference because of how it ended. I could look for something else. If I’m not teaching, though, what am I doing? If I applied for maybe a retail position or an admin assistant, they’d probably just say, well, she’s overqualified and toss the application. I’m not sure what to do.

Humanities Homework Help