Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMB PACE Program and Career Exploration in Technology Case Study


As a student, you may encounter a number of situations where you will need to seek support and guidance to navigate your experiences. In this activity, you will read a series of university life scenarios to help you gain familiarity with the student support services available to you. After reading all scenarios, select one. Determine which university resources would best meet the needs in your selected case and explain why. Each scenario may have several resources that would be beneficial, so be sure to consider all angles.

Scenario 1

Julia is taking an accounting class, but isn’t comfortable with the material. She knows that she has homework assignments each week as well as a business proposal due at the end of the class. She is feeling overwhelmed by the content of the course and doesn’t know where to begin with her proposal. What resources are available to Julia that could help her be successful this semester? How will those resources help her?

Scenario 2

Robert is returning to school after a long time away. While he doesn’t believe he can really afford to pay for a degree, he knows that he needs it to advance at work. He has registered for his first class, but notices that there is a required PowerPoint presentation. He isn’t sure he’ll be able to afford to buy software in addition to his tuition. What resources are available to help Robert remain in his degree program and be successful? How will these resources benefit him?

Scenario 3

Tiffany is currently enrolled in an IFSM class that requires group work. Tiffany struggles to keep up due to diagnosed ADHD, but is doing her best. However, one of her group mates does not feel that Tiffany is “pulling her weight” and begins complaining in the discussion forums about it while also sending Tiffany threatening messages. Tiffany hasn’t told anyone about managing ADHD and doesn’t want to make a big deal about it, but is starting to worry about how this will impact her grade and how she is supposed to handle her teammate. Who should Tiffany reach out to about this situation? How can these individuals or groups help her?

Scenario 4

Jake is currently in Week 3 of two classes, but he has just been told that he will be deployed in five days for 6 weeks. This means he will miss the rest of his class. He knows that he won’t be able to complete all of his work in the next five days (while preparing for deployment), but he’s not sure what to do. This semester he chose to use student loans to pay for his classes due to the fact that he ran out of military Tuition Assistance in the previous semester. Who should Jake talk to about his concerns? How can they assist him?

In your response, identify the university student support services you would leverage and how you would expect the service to help.

Other Homework Help