Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Tesla Inc Organizational Leaders and Organizational Behavior Powerpoint


The Company I Choose is *** Tesla ***

For this part of the project, you will be required to submit a formal outline which will demonstrate the flow of your project. Keep in mind that your research will be primarily via the COD online library (see announcements page). Please see outline example and rubric attached. Follow these closely to include citations and references. This outline must be detailed and thorough.

Here is the flow of your powerpoint presentation which will ultimately be between 20-25 slides. I recommend that you use these bullets as main points for your outline/slides.

  • Background and history of the organization
  • Organizational leaders (and their characteristics)
  • Organizational Behavior topics exhibited – please choose four and expound
  • Customer, societal and competitive (external) perception of the organization
  • Success and failures of the organization (financials)
  • Recent headlines
  • Challenges the organization has overcome
  • Future of organization (based on your research)
  • Conclusion of the organizational culture (overview)

Students must also utilize the textbook, solid internet sources and at least 5 COD-library resources (peer-reviewed) to support their work. There should be an introduction slide and a references slide (not included in count).

Remember that the final project for this course is actually a Powerpoint Presentation on the Organizational Behavior of your selected Fortune 500 company. And how this behavior affects outcomes. You have already chosen your four topics. (I recommend that you should also become familiar with how to do a great Powerpoint. Proofread relentlessly!)

Here is a sample list of organizational behavior topics:

  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Motivation
  • Learning
  • Attitudes & Perception
  • Change Processes
  • Conflict
  • Trust
  • Work and Job Design
  • Work Stress
  • Organizational Culture
  • Mental Work Environment
  • Quality of Work Life
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Groups & the Informal Organization
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Morale
  • Organizational Commitment

Business Finance Homework Help