Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Strayer University Computer Trespass and Computer Hacking Questions


Question 1: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Title: “Computer Trespass and Computer Hacking”
    • Discuss the key elements of identifying computer trespass and computer hacking crimes. Next, use the Internet to research articles on computer trespass or computer hacking cases from within the past five years. Next, argue your support for or against the decision of the court in your selected case.

Question 2: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Specify how the illegal drug market operates and whether the “war on drugs” today has made an impact on the drug market.
  • Given the legalization of marijuana around the country, argue for or against this decision and whether it helps contribute to continued illegal drug use today.
  • Research the rise in drug use among teens and the relationship, if any, to the legalization of marijuana.

Question 3: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Title:”Fake Gucci and Organized Crime”
    • So what’s the big deal about purchasing a fake designer handbag?!? Research and analyze the primary manner in which the purchase of counterfeit merchandise such as fake handbags may impact all areas in our lives. Next, based on the text, provide your opinion of whether or not the government can use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) or the Continuing Criminal Enterprise Statute (CCE) to combat global organized financial crimes like the sale of counterfeit merchandise.

Law Homework Help