Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Strayer University Wk 3 Criminology Theory Essay


I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to review the following Power Point attachments:

  • Criminology Theory Presentation Template [PPTX] &
  • Sample Criminology Theory Presentation [PPTX]

After reviewing these power points, please respond to the following questions, in a one-page paragraph form, 12 size font, double space, minimum 500-word count or more, using Microsoft Word: (This Microsoft Word will prepare me to create a Power Point from for next week’s assignment, unless you know how to create a power point. I could use you again.)

  • Determine which Criminology Theory will be the focus of your presentation.
    • You may choose any theory Provided in the Attachment titled: “Theories” with one exception: Do not choose Conflict Theory, as that theory is covered in a sample presentation provided to you. If you do not want to use any theories in the ”Theories” attachment you can use the web to determine which one, you’d like to write about.
  • Explain what motivated you to select this particular theory as opposed to others.
  • Describe a scenario involving deviant or criminal behavior (shoplifting, vandalism, public drunkenness, running a traffic light, etc.) police officers are likely to encounter as part of their regular duties.
  • Describe how your selected theory would explain the motivation, or the why, behind the deviant or criminal behavior illustrated in your scenario.
  • Determine at least two possible actions a police officer could take in response to the behavior in your scenario that align with your selected theory and empathy training.

Law Homework Help