Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ECEN 408 NC A&T Analog Electronics Worksheet


I’m working on a electrical engineering multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Assume VDD = 1 V, Iref = 25 μA, nfinp = 150 for the pMOS, and nfinn = 100 for the nMOS transistors.

  1. a) Find the maximum input common-mode voltage, VIC(max), and the minimum input common-mode voltage, VIC(min). Assume all transistors are in saturation.
  2. b) What is the input common-mode voltage range, ICMR?
  3. c) Find the small-signal differential voltage gain, Avd = Vout/(Vin+ – Vin-).
  4. d) If a 10 pF capacitor is connected between the output and ground, what is the -3 dBfrequency of Avd(jω) in Hz? Neglect any device parasitic capacitance.

Engineering Homework Help