Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Bethel College Criminal Procedure Adjudication Essay


This week, you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in Criminal Procedure: Adjudication (CCJ3950).

Be sure to back up your statements and opinions for the below prompts with at least three (3) scholarly sources. O

  • Compare and contrast probable cause and reasonable suspicion. What are some arguments for and against the exclusionary rule?
  • Summarize the rules concerning a “stop & frisk.” Explain the practice and guidelines of conducting a protective sweep.
  • Which constitutional provisions apply to confessions and interrogations and which is the most important to you and why?
  • Explain how the Sixth Amendment right to counsel and the 14th Amendment right to due process applies in the identification context.
  • Compare and contrast the role of the grand jury with that of the traditional trial (petit) jury.
  • Explain when the right to a speedy trial, the right to a public trial, and the right to a jury trial applies. In your opinion, which of these trial rights is most important and why?
  • As law enforcement or other criminal justice professional, how could you apply what you learned in this course of Criminal Procedure: Adjudication

Law Homework Help