Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Business Continuity Program Presentation


This should be a professional looking PowerPoint.

  1. Budget (i.e. How much do you think it will cost to run a business continuity program?; What elements of a BCM will costs the company money?; How much might the BCM program need to hire a business continuity professional?’ What is the a brief job description for a business continuity professional in your department?; etc.) (10 pts)
  2. Regulations, if any, that your department must adhere (10 pts)
  3. Any particular standards or methodology that you might want to base your program off of, explain methodology (10 pts)
  4. Scope of the business continuity program (10 pts)
  5. Purpose of the business continuity program (10 pts)
  6. Time line of major milestones in a program; e.g. risk assessment, BIA, strategy developments, plan developments, training, exercising, etc (10 pts)
  7. Stakeholders that should be apart of a business continuity management programs. (10 pts)
  8. How would you conduct a Risk Assessment? What types of questions would you ask? Explain in detail. (10 pts)
  9. What would the method be to determine what the essential functions of the department? Interviews, questionnaires, etc. Explain in detail? (10 pts)
  10. What would the method be to determine what the resources, essential personnel, procedures, etc? Explain in detail. (10 pts)

Other Homework Help