Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. San Diego University Hidden Figures Book by Margot Lee Shetterly Outline


    1. Annotate our Timed Essay #5 Directions carefully, noticing the question, requirements, and tips Pg 1, as well as organization guidelines Pg 2-5.
    2. Review the pre-writing we have already completed for Hidden Figures, including the graphic organizers, class discussions, as well as S & R #4 and #5, brainstorm examples illustrating the kind of mentors, growth mindset, and deliberate practice that helped Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Goble Johnson, Mary Jackson, and/or Christine Mann Darden become key members of NASA’s team which helped to win the Space Race of the 1960s. (Categorize your examples into separate lists of mentors, growth mindset, and deliberate practice so your ideas are well-organized and you are able to develop clear body paragraphs).
    3. Decide which examples are your strongest to help narrow your essay focus down to a close reading of either one or three of these pioneering individuals, Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Goble Johnson, Mary Jackson, and/or Christine Mann Darden (Two doesn’t work well since you need 3 support quotes in each body paragraph and it will look lopsided to have 2 quotes for one person but only 1 quote for a second person in each body paragraph. In addition, more than three people in each body paragraph will cause readers to lose focus, so just keep your discussion to either one or three individuals, but not two or four).
    4. Come up with multiple examples for each body paragraph from Hidden Figures, which include three (3) support quotes on mentors for body 1, three (3) support quotes on growth mindset for body 2, and three (3) support quotes on deliberate practice for body 3 (9 quotes total). Do Not Do Any Outside Research and be sure to cite the pages from the unabridged version of the book, Hidden Figures (No electronic copies).
    5. Study the Timed Essay #5 Sample Outline (see below) so your own outline is well-organized for the upcoming workshop on Sun. 5/23.

After carefully planning out the body support examples, write your Timed Essay #5 Outline, which includes:

  1. Your own intro paragraph to introduce your essay topic with a clear thesis focus. (See Timed Essay #5 Directions and Writing Tips for effective intros. on page 2).
  2. Your own topic sentences for body paragraph 1, 2, and 3. (See Timed Essay #5 Directions and Writing Tips for effective topic sentences on page 3, 4, and 5).
  3. Three (3) support quotes for each body paragraph with concrete examples to vividly illustrate your points. (See Timed Essay #5 Directions and Writing Tips for effective quote formatting on page 3, 4, and 5).
  4. Add signal phrases and MLA citations for each quote to smoothly integrate them into your discussion, such as:
      • Shetterly states that ” ” (12).
      • She further shares that ” ” (Shetterly 70).
      • Shetterly reveals, ” ” (96).
      • She describes, ” ” (Shetterly 11).

Writing Homework Help