Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Marymount University Mobile App Development Question


Question 1:Find the error in the following code.

class University extends Component {

render() {

return (

<View >

<Text> Welcome to my University </Text>

<Text> Located in {this.props.location}</Text>



</View>);}}export default class App extends Component {

render() {

return (

<View style={styles.container}>

<University location=’Arlington Va’ name=’Marymount’description=’a 4 year private CatholicUniversity’ /></View>





Question 2:

a)What Component might you use to help with multiplescreens?

b)What Component allows the User to enter in Information?

c)What are 2 differences between Image and ImageBackgroundComponents

Question 3:

a)How does this.state and this.props differ?

b)In what situation should you use each one?

Question 4:

a)What does style={flex:0.75} indicate to the App?

b)Draw an example of flexDirection=’row’ and flexDirection=’column’.Indicate how they differ

Programming Homework Help