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Law Homework Help. CJ 683 SNHU Intelligence Professional Development Report


Intelligence is the product resulting from the collection, collation, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of collected information. It is designed to
support decision makers and policymakers in law enforcement, military, and sometimes other intelligence organizations. Intelligence has played an important
role in diplomacy and warfare throughout history, but in today’s ever-connected world, it has taken on an even greater importance for its use in homeland
security and defense. Intelligence agencies strive to prevent terrorist attacks by collecting data and information from a number of different sources and using
that data and information to understand current and potential terrorist activity before terrorists reach their targets. Intelligence analysts are the ones
responsible for converting the collected information and data into finished intelligence reports and disseminating those reports within the security and
intelligence community.

Both of the final projects in this course relate to the following scenario (found in the DHS Analyst Scenario document):…

You are an all-source intelligence analyst assigned to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The director of the
DHS has instructed your office to gather information critical to understanding the activities of the global al-Qaeda network and the current group leaders. Your
team was instructed to focus on the networks’ operations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. There has been a spike in activity in the last few
weeks; however, it is unclear what is occurring.

The director’s critical information requirements:

 Information on imminent threats to the United States

 Information on threats to U.S. interests abroad

 Confirmed or suspected movements of terrorist leaders
The key assumption is:
 Terrorists in the MENA are determined to attack U.S. interest at home or abroad. In the second final project, you will synthesize information from open-source intelligence, provided intelligence reports, and a provided data set into a finished
intelligence report. Your intelligence report will convey all relevant findings about the suspected terrorist threat to the intel ligence community. Before beginning
this project, review the provided data set that contains raw data concerning the communications and locations of known terrorists in the MENA region. Also,
review the provided intelligence reports concerning current terrorist activities. Keep in mind the data provided to you may not be what you planned for in Final
Project One. As an analyst, you must sometimes make intelligence assumptions based on limited information.

Report 1:…

Report 2:…

Report 3:…

Report 4:…

Report 5:…

Raw Data:…

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:Imagine that you are an all-source intelligence analyst assigned to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The
director of the DHS has instructed your office to gather information critical to understanding the activities of the global al-Qaeda network and the current group
leaders. Your team is instructed to focus on the networks’ operations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. You have already planned for what
information to collect, as well as how that information should be collected and analyzed. Now, you will analyze the data you were given, along with open-source
intelligence, to produce a finished intelligence report about the suspected and potential terrorist threats. This report is i ntended for distribution within the
intelligence community. Use the Intelligence Report Template to complete this assignment.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Subject
Clearly and concisely state the threat that will be addressed in this report for quick reference by other intelligence agencies. One to two sentences that
capture the main points of the report would be appropriate.

II. Sources
In this section, you will list both the open-source and provided intelligence sources that were analyzed to create this report.
A. Provide a list of the types of intelligence sources used in creation of this report(e.g., SIGINT, OSINT, HUMINT).
B. After reviewing the intelligence reports that your office provided, list the document numbers of the related intelligence reports, and explain
why each is related to your own report.

III. Presentation of the Facts
Summarize the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the threat situation. This section should include the relevant information that would be of
particular interest to the agency doing follow-up to help it quickly understand the potential threat.

IV. Analyst Assessment
In this section, you will present the conclusions of your data analysis to the intelligence community. You will provide detail ls about what is known about
the nature and imminence of the suspected threat and predict future terrorist activities. Support your conclusions with as much detail as needed in
order to present all the relevant intelligence.
A. Explain what the data revealed about your key assumptions regarding the potential threat and the terrorist group behind the threat, supported
by evidence. Remember, these key assumptions were previously stated in your collection and analysis plan.
B. Provide a detailed description of the terrorist group involved in the suspected terrorist activity. Be sure to address the following:
 What type of adversary is responsible for the threat? Is it an international or domestic terrorist group?
 What is the hierarchy of the terrorist group?
 What are the motivations of the terrorist group?
C. Provide a detailed description of the nature of the threat, supported by evidence. Be sure to address the following:
 What is the terrorist group planning?
 What is the potential target and the location of the target?
 What are the potential means of attack?
D. Predict the terrorist activities that may occur if no action is taken to mitigate the suspected threat. Support your response using known details
about the terrorist group.

V. Formatting
In addition to including the sections above, your submission overall must do the following:
A. Record the date-time group(DTG) of the report at the top of the page, in the correct format
B. Adhere to the structure and conventions of a formal intelligence report
C. Use clear and concise language appropriate for an intelligence and law enforcement audience

Guidelines for Submission: Your intelligence report should follow the Intelligence Report Templateand should be 1 to 2 pages in length including headings,
double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All sources used should be cited in APA format.

Attached is the template.

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