Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Aspen University Summative and Formative Assessment Discussion


Throughout this course, you have researched a great variety of assessments in early childhood. For this benchmark assessment, you will take all that you’ve learned as well as additional research to create a final essay and brochure that encompasses all assessments in two specific areas: Formative assessments and summative assessments. Outside research is required, and you are encouraged to carefully read and review all of the articles and videos provided in the ‘Learning Materials’ section for this week.

Step 1: Write a comprehensive essay in which you discuss summative vs. formative assessment to include:

  • Definition and rationale for each type
  • Benefits of each type
  • Five specific examples of each (5 summative and 5 formative) along with descriptions and details of assessments. Focus on innovative ideas.

The essay should be 2000-2250 words and should address each of the required prompts in Step 1. Be sure to completely answer all requirements in each prompt. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Make sure to reference five (5) citations using the APA writing style for each reference. Include a cover page and a reference page, which do not count towards the minimal word amount.

Step 2: Create a brochure that includes:

  • Definition and benefits of formative and summative assessments
  • Five specific types of formative and five specific types of summative assessments with graphics and research-based support for each; There should be text/graphic balance
  • Include a minimum of three (3) references

Other Homework Help