Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PBH 502 Drexel University Enemy of The People Play Population Health Questions


Enemy of the People

Includes group work: No

Grading Method: points

Instructions (What to Do and How to Do it): For this assignment watch (or read the script) of the 1882 play by Henrik Ibsen entitled “Enemy of the People” respond to questions.

See detailed instructions provided with this assignment.

  • Required Resources: does not apply
  • How to Complete and Submit: submit via this assignment’s dropbox
  • File Naming convention: LASTNAME-Firstinitial_Assgn-Name
  • Acceptable File Formats for this Assignment: MS Word or compatible

Due Date/Time: Wed Feb 17th midnight (EST)

Additional Guidance, if any: none

supporting file(s): Enemy of the People_Spring 2021.doc

Health Medical Homework Help