Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. The University of Texas Pan American Face Blindness Video Discussion


  1. Watch the short YouTube video posted below about perceptual phenomena. Then in the submission box, write a paragraph (minimum 10 sentences) related to your thoughts on what you saw. Make sure to include the researcher’s name from Dartmouth College (10 points), the first male patient’s name (20 points), the patient’s specific medical diagnosis (20 points), as well as your own thoughtfully constructed opinions (40 points). This is strictly an opinion based assignment, so there is no need to use any other references. However, if you do, make sure you provide your sources. Don’t forget to check spelling and grammar (10 points), so points aren’t deducted!
    **Although this is not for credit, I’d thought you’d like to see part 2 of the video that shows other stories and experiences!

Other Homework Help