Other Homework Help. UCI Music by Eminem Lose Yourself 2002 Discussion
I’m trying to study for my course and I need some help to understand this question.
1) Pick one scenario from the list below
•. 1/2 hour break before the final competition of the e-sports national championship (you are the e-athlete representing UCI).
•. 1/2 hour car ride to get to a job interview for a job you really want.
•. 1/2 hour wait for your car ride home from a terrible party. It’s 2 AM.
•. 1/2 hour wait for your younger sibling at their martial art class, so you can give them a ride home.
2) Devise a 5 song playlist that will best help you through that 1/2 hour.
3) In your response to this prompt, list the songs/pieces in order. In addition to the title, provide the year each song was written, who the performers are and where you first heard the song. Provide a link to the song whenever possible. DO NOT IDENTIFY THE SCENARIO.
some useful links https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Bdhnq9EaLvVsa42…