Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Alabama A&M University Informative Speech Video Review


The assignment is a feedback to three presentations. I will
have to record myself giving the feedback. The feedback instruction is
feedback must contain the following elements

Attention Getting Introduction

● Memorable Concluding Statement

● Clear structure (Introduction, Body, and Conclusion)

● All questions (provided below) must be answered

● Ideas must be expressed in a clear and artful manner

● Include the name of the speaker you evaluated.

● Extemporaneous Delivery

must address the following items in the body of your feedback:

1. What type of attention getter was used and why was it effective or ineffective?

What was the specific purpose statement? What were the main points?
Identify the support (CENTS) used in the speech. How was research
incorporated? Provide examples from the speech to support your

3. What was the closing statement? Did the speaker demonstrate clear completion? Was it memorable? Why or why not?

Comment on the speaker’s delivery (eye contact, gestures, movement, use
of space, facial expressions, tone of voice, and energy and
enthusiasm), sensory aids, and overall preparedness.

5. Identify and explain one strength of this presentation. Be specific and use details from the speech to support your answer.

6. Identify and explain one suggestion for improvement. Be specific and use details from the speech to support your answer.

Other Homework Help