Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. MAR 4400 Miami Dade College Civil Rights Movement American History Questions


American History Chapter Questions, one paragraph for each answer, Minimum five sentences. Remember the answer has to be written in the POV where you are explaining the answer to someone who doesn’t have much knowledge about history.


1-What were the major events in the civil rights movement of the early 1960s?

2-What were the major crises and policy initiatives of the Kennedy presidency?

3-What were the purposes and strategies of Johnson’s Great Society programs?

4-How did the Vietnam War transform American policies and culture?

5-What were the sources and significance of the rights revolution of the 1960s?


1-What were the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues?

2-How did Vietnam and Watergate scandal affect the popular trust in the government?

3-In what ways did the opportunities of most Americans diminish in the 1970s?

4-What were the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s?

5-How did the Reagan presidency affect American aims at home and abroad?

DUE 7/21


1-What forces drove the economic resurgences of the 1990s?

2-What cultural conflicts emerge in the 1990s?

3-Why did Al Qaeda attack the United States on September 11, 2001?

4-How did the war in Iraq unfold in the wake of 9/11?

5-How did the war on terror affect the economy and American liberties?


1-What events eroded support for President Bush’s policies during his second term?

2-What were the economic practices that contributed to the crisis of 2008?

3-What kinds of change did voters hope for when they elected Barack Obama?

4-What were the major challenges in Obama’s first term?

5-What was divisive about Donald Trump’s campaign and early presidency?

CH. 27,28 DUE 7/22

Writing Homework Help