Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Counterterrorism Tactics in Homegrown Documentary PPT


Overview: In this discussion, you will present an after-action report on the counterterrorism tactics used in the documentary Homegrown (cc).
Prompt: The oral presentation you will create for this discussion is an after-action report on the counterterrorism tactics used in the documentary Homegrown
(cc). Your presentation should include six to eight slides, excluding title and reference slides, with speaker notes on each slide. Focus on the counterterrorism
tactics highlighted in the documentary. Your oral presentation should be no more than five minutes.
As you build your presentation, remember that slides serve as visual aids that accompany what you would say during a presentation. Use the notes section of
each slide to add the details (in complete sentences) of what you will say while delivering the presentation.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Strength: Identify a strength of the government’s counterterrorism approach illustrated in the documentary. (For example, what was a positive outcome
of the actions taken by the government?)

 Weakness: Identify a weaknesses of the government’s counterterrorism approach illustrated in the documentary. (For example, what was a
counterproductive or negative outcome of the actions taken by government?)

 Justification: Justify your thoughts on whether the right strategies were taken or those strategies were counterproductive to the overall approach to
dealing with American citizens, referring to the outcomes in the documentary.

 Audio/Video: Ensure that your audio/video quality is clear enough that others can understand your message and your speech is aligned with any visuals
used. ( I will complete this portion myself once the powerpoint is complete)

Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should include six to eight slides, not including title and reference slides, with speaker notes on each slide. Any
citations and references should use the latest edition of the APA guidelines.

here is the link for the homegrown documentary. i will provide information…

Law Homework Help