Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NURS 530 Thomas Edison State College Evidence Based Practice Exercise


  1. Select at least five studies retrieved from the database search you conducted that provide the strongest evidence to answer your clinical question.
  2. Using Box 1.3, Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt), identify the level of evidence of these selected studies.
    1. These are the studies that you will critically appraise in the next module.
    2. For each study, identify the type of research design, the level of evidence, the research question, hypotheses (if applicable), the dependent and independent variables, dependent and independent variables, the sample size, and results.
  3. Share the studies with your classmates in Discussion Forum 4.
  4. Submit the annotated bibliography to your mentor.

Health Medical Homework Help