Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. EE 4490 KSU Inset Feed Patch Antenna for Operating Frequency 2.4 G Hz Report


1. Creating a patch antenna for 2.4 GHz: Watch the blackboard collaborate sessions on July 8th and July 13th.

2. Creating a inset feed or quarter wave transformer feed. See attached documents and videos. 

Feed option:

  • If the last digit of SID# is odd, then create an inset feed.
  • If the last digit of SID# is even, create a quarter wave transformer feed.  

3. Instructions on how to create a waveport:


  • Report containing the following: 

1. Screenshots of the following: patch antenna, 1D plot results for S11, 2D plot results for H-field and E-field, 3D plot results for 3D radiation pattern and 2D polar plot. 

2. Calculation of the dimensions for the patch antenna. Several websites have online calculators for patch antenna dimensions. 

3. Reference to the material properties for Rogers Corp for high frequency, low loss material. Where the dielectric constant (er) and board thickness numbers came from. 

Engineering Homework Help