Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Embry Riddle University Open Ended Questions and Responses



1- Watch the 3 videos and write 2 questions for each video. ( open-ended questions )

2- Write one explanation for each question.

3- Respond to these 6 questions with 50 words for each one.

1- Weird or Just Different?

I watched the video by Derek Sivers, in his video, “Weird or Just Different”, explaining the common misconceptions of the world, and how we from an American, Western, and educated side, there are lots of things we take for granted, the basic premise of his story.

Taking from his story, I can see lots of things that as a part Mexican, are really “backward” or opposite to the way we do things here in the US. Even going from the LA Basin to Grand Forks, I have seen an incredible amount of disparity, despite how relatively “close” we are to one another.

So what are ways that we can combat and fight against just always assuming the way we do things in the right ways? Keeping an open mind is easy, but do you have any specific tips?

2- How do you keep your own opinion out of a story you tell?

I watched the Ted Talk titled Be Suspicious of Stories by Tyler Cowen, in which he talks about the different types of stories that are told from rags to riches to comedies. He also states that if you keep an evil side vs a good side out it will increase how smart you sound, and he says increase your IQ by ten points. But I disagree with this what he is saying I think that you should keep your opinion out of the story. I say this because everyone has their own opinion of whom they think is good vs bad. Like how some people may see the empire in Star Wars as good guys because they brought order to the galaxy.

But my question is how do you keep your opinion out of a story that you are telling someone about. Because in my opinion when hearing a story I want to know what that person thought of what happened as well as to know what actually happened. That way I can make up my own opinion and ask more questions leading myself to know more about what happened. So I think the exact opposite than what he stated I think to keep your opinion as well as the actual events would make you sound smarter to the listener.3- D

3- Do you view change as bad or good?

In Derek Sivers’ TED Talk, he presented the challenges that different cultures face when they realize how truly different they are from one another. I’m sure everyone has heard the phrase “change is good”, but I believe that some people are more comfortable when they are more familiar with their current circumstances. On the other hand, it is very common for us, as a society, to view change and differences as bad and intimidating. I don’t think there is a wrong answer to this question because it’s all about personal preference.

My question to you all is how do you feel about change? Do you accept and invite change or do you avoid change if possible? For example, assume you are offered two jobs. Job A pays higher, is something you’d rather do, but is located on the other side of the country. Job B pays average money, is 30 minutes away from the house you grew up in, and two of your friends are working at the same company. Which job do you choose?

4- What are some examples of “weird or just different”?

In the TedTalk by Derek Shivers he speaks about the concept of whether or not something is weird or just different. One of the examples Shivers talks about is how in China their doctor are paid monthly when a patient is healthy, but if that patient is unhealthy they are not paid for that month. There are several other examples around the world that us as Americans have just become so accustomed to believing. My questions is what are some other examples of these “weird or just different” things that some countries may do that seems strange to us Americans.

5- What is the difference between weird or different or is there not a difference?

I really like Derek Sivers TED Talk on about is it weird or just different. I learned about how in Japan they label the blocks and not the streets that I did not know but the example he used about maps is something I have heard and seen before and actually have read about and looked at the differences between maps. It is fascinating seeing how different maps portray they world differently. Now when I look at different map I refer to them as different not weird, and I like how he used that in relation to culture because so many times you see how a culture does something different and so many people call it weird. But I think what it really is different not weird. What would you call weird or different?

6- Why do people try to relate stories to themselves?

When watching Tyler Cowens’ TED talk, “Be suspicious of stories” I thought about how persuasive stories can be on people and why that may not be such a good thing. I have noticed that when a story is told well that it can become very persuasive and or relatable to the audience, I have even fallen victim to believing certain conspiracies or trying to relate to a speaker.

This can be a dangerous thing because a good storyteller can transform the minds of thousands of people. This way of thinking shows human irrationality and makes me wonder why do people try to relate stories to themselves or allow these stories to change their way of thinking?




The Topic that you must work on is:

(( Covid-19 effect on Social media ))

Collect Information:

Find and Summarize the 3 sources that you plan to use individually. ( must be professional sources )

W)rite a short summary of each of your three sources, providing bibliographic information, and explaining the reasoning behind selecting this source.

Provide the bibliographic information (APA preferred.)

What are the original author’s credentials?

What is each author’s argument?  (Claim + general reasons to believe?)

What evidence is used in support of the author’s major claims?

What is your reaction to the argument and why?

Why will this source be an interesting contribution to your CTS project?

Writing Homework Help