Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CUNY BMCC HTML CSS History of Photography Website


I will upload the requested photos to you.The detailed requirements are in the doc file

you will create a 4-page site on the subject of Photography, using the provided materials:

A selection of photos, and required text. A successful grade will require these skills:

The ability to format text into headlines and paragraphs
The ability to make working links on all pages (4 on each page)
The ability to size, enhance and place photos or other images wisely
The ability to adjust a CSS style sheet creatively
The ability to organize your folder structure. Ie- do not keep the images for your website in 3 different folders.

The ability to upload the site to GitHubPages

The ability to create a sitemap and wireframe

The recommended strategy

  • Design your home page (index.html) thoroughly, include content, and navigation (with all of your links accounted for).
  • Attach and use a well thought-out CSS page
  • Then copy this 1st page (your index) three times by using Save As and rename the 3 new copies
    with the filenames indicated below
  • Replace content (text & photos) uniquely for each page’s primary subject
  • NOTE: You can refer to handouts, folders, and/or the internet for help. Feel free to use to remind yourself of any technique

What you need to submit in ONE ROOT Folder:

Four pages total, plus the external style sheet

  • index.html – general information on photography
  • history.html – about the evolution of photography
  • contemporary.html – the present day digital situation
  • photographers.html – about two photographers and some of their work
  • midterm.css – your style sheet
  • images folder


  • Include at least 2 photos per page
  • You MUST resize the images in PHOTOSHOP or Pixlr- you cannot use the width attribute in the html code
  • All pages must share the SAME navigation. Navigation should not change from page to page
  • A set of 4 links must be on each page
  • Your headings, your paragraphs, your images, must be ‘styled’ using the EXTERNAL CSS
  • There should be NO internal styles.
  • Use the <nav> </nav>element to indicate when your navigation starts and ends
  • You must use the font-family property value pair

Programming Homework Help