Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Lone Wolves Versus the Pack Terrorists Discussion


Do not combine Part A & Part B- Also separate references

Part A

Lone Wolves Versus the Pack: Who Poses a Greater Threat

Terrorists operating alone are referred to as “lone wolves.” Ted Kaczynski-The Unabomber, the 1996 Olympic Park bombing, and the 2010 IRS attack are all textbook examples of lone wolf-style terrorist attacks. Compare these to the Oklahoma City Bombing or the DC sniper attacks, both carried out by organizations, albeit small ones. Which style of domestic terrorism do you feel possess a greater threat to the nation?

Respond to the following:

For this discussion, write a 300-400 word posting, covering the following:

  • Whether you think lone wolf terrorism or domestic organization terrorism poses a greater threat to the United States.
  • Have both types been relatively stable over the last century, or are we seeing a shift in trends towards one style or another?

In your response, be sure to cover what you mean by “threat” (casualties, frequency of attacks, difficulty of detection, etc.) and cite specific examples that support your opinion.

Your original post should cover each of the topics above. One large post is sufficient to cover these topics, as opposed to multiple posts for each. Try to provide the reasoning behind your opinions and statements so that we can see the flow of your thinking. Also, please reference and cite the ideas from at least one of the four articles you read for this module. Please use APA citation style.

Part B

There are many websites and books that promote hate and anarchy, providing instructions to individuals on how to create bombs, break the law, or engage in other criminal or even terrorist activities. The Anarchist Cookbook and Rex Ferral’s “Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors” are perhaps the most notorious among these.

Respond to the following:

In this discussion, write a 300-400 word posting that addresses what steps the government should take, keeping the laws of the US in mind, to either limit the distribution of the following documents or change the public’s perception and acceptance of them:

  1. Online hate speech or rhetoric that calls for violence against another organization or the government itself.
  2. Sources of information about operational techniques, such as how to create bombs, develop poisons or to carry out effective violent attacks. Part B

Law Homework Help