Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Ramapo College of New Jersey WebSite Development Project


Read Chapter 5 (except section 5.11) as a source of design ideas and tools.

As a result, you will first learn Normal Flow and Nested Elements that you will use in further layout exercises with floats. Finally, you should have a two-column layout with navigation and main divs (like on fig. 6.37) for all pages. You can read more on floats here (Links to an external site.). The links to the implementation pages (in respective subfolders for mandatory practices) on the server should be placed into the W5 Labs forum.

Improve your project by using a two-column layout with interactive menus (these features are mandatory for the final version of the project. Creating an image gallery using floats (practices 6.8 and 6.9) in your project is optional – for extra credit only. Other aspects of the chapter are also optional but will empower those who want deeper knowledge. Post the link to the server Project pages into the W5 Project forum. Use external CSS for all pages. If necessary, use embedded CSS to make specific changes on only some pages. But the external CSS should be the same for all pages creating a feel of a consistent site. In the same post describe all the learned elements that you’ve used in the project, including the optional ones and where they are located. Good projects with the required (and extra) number of learned elements, as well as with good explanations of what is where will carry extra weight in your grading…

Note 1: pay special attention to the very important enhancement of the NEW structural elements in HTML5 in section 6.14 which should not be skipped!!! It will be important for your future project enhancements.

Note 2: use floats AND their clearing (p.255) for a balanced look at your project

Note 3: do not post the local links on your computer since they can be seen only on YOUR computer, but use the server links as most of you already do

Programming Homework Help