Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. PHL 1310 OU The Scenario About Self Driving Cars in Saving People Discussion


I’m working on a philosophy report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Self-Driving Cars: How would you program the car to behave in the situation described? Draw on the concepts and theories we learned in class to make your case.  You should look at each of your options and see what theories or considerations would justify or tell against each one.  So you might have a paragraph on the option of swerving the car into the wall- and draw on ideas, concepts, theories to provide justification for that (what would justify that move?), then a paragraph on the option of just letting the car go straight ahead- and draw on ideas, concepts, theories to provide justification for that-   For example: protect passengers/owners of the car in all cases or protect the most people possible (utilitarianism), etc.  Then pick an option- and justify it.  You might do this by saying why the other options aren’t acceptable. 

Bear in mind: this is a thought experiment. We are assuming the consequences of each option are correct as described in the scenario. Don’t fall into the engineering trap. I know you are engineers and want to think about whether, in fact, the car would kill the passengers or whether it can stop in time. That is not the point. Just assume that these are the only options and they are as described. 

Writing Homework Help