Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Florida State College at Jacksonville Color Discussion


Main Question – In art and painting, especially, color is such an important element. The history of art, from the Impressionists to the Abstract Expressionists, used color to depict light, space and even emotions. For this discussion, you are required to explore color in an in-depth way, beyond just answering the common question, “What is your favorite color?”

For this, explore and choose a color around you, perhaps it’s color on a wall that you have painted or on a piece of clothing you wear. Maybe it’s a color out in the world somewhere, like on a billboard you see on your way to work. What does the color mean to you? What affects does it create? How does it make you feel? Does it invoke a memory? Does the color symbolize anything? How would you classify this color in terms of hue, value, and saturation (look these up if you are not sure what they mean)? Try to be as specific and detailed as you can when describing the color. Finally, give this color a name in the same way as paint manufacturers will name colors we see in stores.

Answer 1 – When discussing standout colors which paint the picture of your life, the setting sky is one that can evoke a plethora of emotions, memories, and ponderous moments throughout my life. Whether it be a full on sunset over the ocean when living in Costa Rica as a child, or a palette of light and darker colors, however the distinct orange hue which the sky takes before the day turns to night, is especially appealing to me. A color which would look red when put next to orange, like sunburst taken full form, an explosion of crimson meeting tangerine, with the vibrant scenes of a fire yet as calm as lapping tides on a summer day.

The value of the color would include the fact that since it is at the end of the day, there are more shades than tints with the color of the setting sun, as the center of light dissipates from the sky for the night, yet there are also defiant streaks of light through it, coloring it to appear striped or patterned in an abstract way. It’s saturation is more of the hues at medium strength, as it is not orange in it’s truest sense, but mixed in with reds and blues to provide a plethora of wonder for the eye to behold. The calming, cool colors do not hurt to look at, but rather relax you as you take them in.

If one were to attempt to contain this piece of natural wonder, a landscape painting from the Universe itself, the name would have to be one which evokes the same emotion as when you are sitting back at the tail end of the day and seeing the Moon make it’s first appearance of the day. I would name this brilliant color, “Sunburst”, for the sake of it being the last sunshine before night falls.

Answer 2 – When I think of a standout color in my personal life and the affect it creates on my feelings I think of beige. The neutral palette is everywhere from wall colors, clothes, nail colors, bed sheets, furniture etc. It is a calming feeling that beige puts forth, it reminds me of a nice day walking along a beach or a trip to the coffee shop to get a coffee Frappuccino. It also reminds me of trench coats in the winter and fresh hot Krispy Kreme donuts. For me beige symbolizes calmness, relaxing, refreshing and dependability. Beige is all around me, my walls, my pillow cases, my jewelry box, wardrobe etc. Each day traveling to campus many historic buildings like libraries, town halls, banks etc, beige is the staple color for many of these buildings. During the Renaissance, opera houses, cathedrals, royal housing, libraries were painted beige. The neutral color has a low-saturation because it neutralizes and it is a mixture of multiple colors like white and brown. It’s hue is low because of the neutralization. The value of beige is a light brown it sits in between brown and white and is apart of the brown and orange color family. If I had to name this color it would be Pastry because all the delicious pastries are in this neutral color; croissants, cake, pie crust, scones, cinnamon rolls, tart crust, Danishes and the list can go on.

Answer the main question. Then respond to the two answers with one paragraph or two separately from each other.

Writing Homework Help