Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Rowan University This is your Brain on Music Discussion


I’m working on a music multi-part question and need a reference to help me learn.

Choose one of the following areas (music supports mind, body and emotions) and find an article to read. Write a summary of your article and how this will affect you in the future. Include a link to your article and submit on Canvas.

and then pick 3 

  • Read Chapter 2: This is your Brain on Music. 

Reading response questions:

What surprised you and why?What was the most important concept and why?What challenged your thinking? Has the reading changed your mind?How will this information impact you in the future?What did you find most valuable in the reading?What is something from the reading that you disagree with?What is something from the reading that you agree with?What did you find interesting about this reading?What are some questions you still have about the reading?What is something you don’t understand and why?What do you want to know more about?

Humanities Homework Help