Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Finance Question


Level of difficulty won’t be hard.

I need an response asap

this will cover below

1) investment criteria(NPV, IRR, Payback Period, Capital budgeting rule)

2) Making Capital investment Decision(CCA, ETC)

3) Project analysis(Project, Sensitivity, Scenario)

4) Cost of Capital (Cost of equity, preferred shares and debt, WACC)

5) Capital Structure(Leverage, optimal Capital structure, financial distress)

6) Dividends and Distributions(relevant, irrelevant)

7) International Finance(Cross rate, Foreign exchange markets, cross-rate arbitrage, purchasing power parity, interest rate parity, covered interest arbitrage)

8) Enterprise risk management(Forward, option, futures, swaps)

9) Options(option valuation, other option uses)

multiple choice and a long answer question will be there

Economics Homework Help