Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. California National University for Advanced Studies W4 Theater Arts Discussion


Week Four Discussion 1 Options Menu: Forum

This discussion question is based on pp. 363-400 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).

Topics you should know before answering this question:

1. The job of a scene designer (pp. 363-373)
2. Assembly, shifting scenery, set decorations (pp. 374-380)
3. Technical rehearsals (pp. 380-381)
4. Costume design and makeup (pp. 385-400)

Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to two of your fellow classmates’ posts.

What are the skills and background required of a scene designer?  What are the skills and background required of a costume designer?  How are they similar?  What differences are there?

General Requirements for Discussion Questions :

For each discussion question, students must respond in an initial post of approximately 250 words by Thursday night of each week.  For eachdiscussion question, two (2) responses to fellow students are required for a passing (3.5) grade or higher on the discussion question.  These responses must be substantive and be at least 75 words apiece.  In all posts, students should discuss concepts from the book as well as take ideas from the lectures and media included for that week.  

  • Initial Post: Due Thursday night @ 11:59pm
  • Responses to two other students: Due Saturday night @ 11:59 pm
  • This Discussion Question is worth 5 points (2.5% of your grade)

0000Week Four Discussion 2 Options Menu: Forum

This discussion question is based on pp. 405-423 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).

Topics you should know before answering this question:

1. Light and lighting design (pp. 405-418)
2. Sound and sound design (pp. 419-423)

Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to two of your fellow classmates’ posts.

Lighting designers produce “light scores” and “light plots” ; sound designers create “sound scores” and “sound plots”.  What is the difference between a light score and a light plot?  What is the difference between a sound score and a sound plot?  During the actual run of the play, who handles the light plots and the sound plots during performances?

General Requirements for Discussion Questions :

For each discussion question, students must respond in an initial post of approximately 250 words by Thursday night of each week.  For eachdiscussion question, two (2) responses to fellow students are required for a passing (3.5) grade or higher on the discussion question.  These responses must be substantive and be at least 75 words apiece.  In all posts, students should discuss concepts from the book as well as take ideas from the lectures and media included for that week.  

  • Initial Post: Due Thursday night @ 11:59pm
  • Responses to two other students: Due Saturday night @ 11:59 pm
  • This Discussion Question is worth 5 points (2.5% of your grade)

0000Week Four Discussion 3 Options Menu: Forum

This discussion question is based on pp. 363-400 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).

Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to two of your fellow classmates’ posts.

Go to Course Resources, Video Clips of Plays and find the video clips of Oedipus The King.  This version of the Sophocles play is the 1986 BBC production starring Michael Pennington and Claire Bloom.  The costuming for this production does not reflect the dress of ancient Greece but, instead, has been described as a “mixed-medley costumes, from the Victorian outfits worn by the chorus of Theban senators to Oedipus` white-silk suit with ambassadorial sash.”

Watch the first two clips of Oedipus the King. What effect do the costume choices have on you?  Can you think of a reason for the variation in the costumes and the time periods they represent?  Would you have preferred traditional Greek costume?  Why or why not?

Humanities Homework Help