Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Women in Business Sexual Harassment Policy on Mc Donalds Paper


There are four Web exercises in this course, each requiring you to submit a paper. You are asked to either visit a website that is listed or select one and answer specific questions given in the instructions.

Web Exercise #4 is due at the end of Module 7 and deals with the effectiveness of an organization’s sexual harassment training. Follow the instructions given below to complete the exercise.

Select a business, and visit its homepage.

Locate and review information on its published sexual harassment policy. (It may prove useful to search for corporate sexual harassment policies in general to more efficiently locate companies that have posted their sexual harassment policy on their websites).

Prepare a paper based on the following structure and content:

Title page and table of contents

An introduction that identifies the company you have selected. Provide a brief overview of its sexual harassment policy.

What topics are covered?

Was the policy easy to locate?

A background section that briefly discusses whether or not its sexual harassment policy is part of a wider harassment policy (for example, workplace civility policy that extends beyond the topic of sexual harassment). Also, conduct a brief search on the internet to determine whether the company has had problems with sexual harassment in the past or has current cases pending against it.

Has the company been discussed in the media as having claims made against them for sexual harassment?

An analysis that uses course material and outside research to evaluate the company’s sexual harassment program. This program includes a well-written policy that is communicated (through postings and training) and enforced.

For example, under the section on Careers, Citgo has chosen to post its sexual harassment policy. It is a concise statement, but it does not clearly define what sexual harassment is. The policy describes quid pro quo and hostile environment, but it doesn’t use these terms. It does include a list of behaviors that will not be tolerated and includes a list of the types of individuals to which the policy pertains (subordinates, supervisors, customers, and suppliers). It prohibits intimate relationships between supervisors and employees (workplace romance) and directs employees where to go to file a claim. While it does state that the investigation will be confidential, it does not include an anti-retaliation statement. The policy does not specify whether training is part of its sexual harassment program.

To be an effective policy, it should include the following:

A clear definition of what sexual harassment is (the types)

Behaviors that will not be tolerated

Who the policy covers

Where an employee should go to report a claim

What happens during an investigation

The responsibilities of the company and any individuals involved in an investigation

The company’s stance on retaliation

The policy should also mention efforts the company takes to ensure that each stakeholder to this issue understands the policy and takes it seriously (for example, periodic training of supervisors and employees as well as posting the policy for others to see).

A conclusion that summarizes the main points of your findings and reflects on the company’s effectiveness in addressing the issue of sexual harassment

A reference section that lists the website, the course material, and any other outside resources you used in preparing this assignment. Be sure to cite sources within your paper, using correct APA formatting.

Law Homework Help