Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. STAT 101 Relationship between Correlation and Regression Question


D09: Relationships – Correlation & Regression

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Start this discussion as soon as you’ve read the text/module info on the topic. Three posts are the minimum – one in response to my prompt below and at least two responses to the posts of other students. Use the discussion like a study group: Use your knowledge, practice, ask questions… Wrap up your discussion after participating for a few days -while you’re working on the worksheet and homework related to the topic – don’t wait too long since the next discussion opens pretty soon…

I have completed a number of Correlation/Regression tests using variables from the GSS (a national random sample done by a reputable research entity).

Choose ONE of these tests to discuss – participate in that one discussion. You will choose a correlation/regression to interpret (your first post) and then discuss (with at least two other posts) those and other findings.

Use the information that is relevant for seeing whether the correlation is statistically significant and to identify and use the regression equation to make predictions.

  • For the Pearson Correlation: Figure the df (N-2) and, using an alpha of 0.05, find the critical value of the test statistic (Use the correct table in the book – Critical Value of r).
  • Make a decision about the null hypothesis – accept or reject.
  • Interpret your findings – is there a relationship between these two variables? If so, what is the nature of that relationship? Be sure to talk about strength and direction… Percents explained and unexplained… and make at least two regression predictions.
  • Speculate on why these findings might be as they are.

Supporting Materials

Files for the discussion – choose only one to use in your post

Note: This is 2012 data thus it will not be identical to yours if you use any of these in your Data Analysis Paper, Part 2.


This handout below walks us through an analysis of Contraception (X), Fertility (Y), and HIV rates (Z), using SPSS. It’s a good example of how to read the printout and grab what you need.

There are two copies – one for viewing on a screen with each slide on one page (18 pages), and one for printing with six slides per page (3 pages).

Mathematics Homework Help