Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Regis University Key Issues in Corporate Governance Questions


Read Collier Chapters 1, 2 and 3. After you have read the assigned chapters complete the assignment for this week: Accounting for Transactions and Analysis of Shareholders. Download the spreadsheet entitled “AC6000 Week 1 Transaction Analysis Assignment” and complete the following two requirements: 1) Transaction Analysis and 2) Discussion questions. Upload your completed Assignment to the Week 1 Assignment dropbox following your facilitator’s instructions.

Rubric — Transaction Analysis Week One Assignment

A- to A
90 – 100%
• All transactions correctly recorded in the accounting equation
• Account balances calculated after each transaction
• Assets, Liability and Owner’s Equity correctly totaled after all transactions
are recorded
• All transactions correctly recorded
• Each account correctly balanced after transaction 10

B- to B
80 – 89%
• Most transactions correctly recorded in the accounting equation
• Most account balances calculated after each transaction
• Two of the three categories (Assets, Liability and Equity) correctly totaled
after all transactions are recorded
• 7 or more transactions are correctly recorded
• 7 or more accounts correctly balanced after transaction 10

C- to C
70 – 79%
• Limited transactions correctly recorded in the accounting equation
• Limited account balances calculated after each transaction
• One or more of the tree categories (Assets, Liability and Equity) correctly
totaled after transactions are recorded
• 4 or more transactions are correctly recorded
• 4 or more accounts correctly balanced after transaction 10

D or F
0 – 69%
• Assignment fails to address the requirements, is inadequate, is not
acceptable as college-level work, or was not submitted

Business Finance Homework Help