Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. UMGC Listening & the Dark Side of Relationships / Relationship Development & Social Exchange Theory / Friends and Family


Please carefully follow the instructions below. You will be answering a total of four questions. In your response use the subheadings (Listening and The Dark Side of Relationships).

5.2 Listening

After reading chapter 5 from the Week 5 Learning Resources entitled “Listening” respond to this discussion topic. Be descriptive in answering two of the following questions.

  1. Compare and contrast the four main listening styles (not listening types). Which listening style/s are you most likely to use?
  2. We are capable of thinking faster than the speed at which the average person speaks, which allows us some room to put mental faculties toward things other than listening. What typically makes your mind wander?
  3. Bad speakers and messages are a common barrier to effective listening. Describe a time recently when your ability to listen was impaired by the poor delivery and/or content of another person. How did your bad listening affect your relationship with the speaker?
  4. Of the bad listening practices listed, which do you use the most? Why do you think you use this one more than the others? What can you do to help prevent or lessen this barrier?

5.3 The Dark Side of Relationships

After reading the chapter from the Week 5 Learning Resources entitled “The Dark Side of Relationships” respond to this discussion topic. Answer one question from 1-4 and one questions from 5-7.

Answer one of the following questions:

  1. Define the dark side of relationships.
  2. Explain how lying affects relationships. Be sure to include how lying has affected one of your relationships or how you have observed it affecting the relationship of someone close to you.
  3. Explain how sexual and emotional cheating affects relationships.
  4. Define the various types of interpersonal violence and explain how they are similar and different.

Answer one of the following questions:

  1. Describe a situation in which lying affected one of your interpersonal relationships. What was the purpose of the lie and how did the lie affect the relationship?
  2. How do you think technology has affected extradyadic romantic activity?
  3. Getting integrated: In what ways might the “dark side of relationships” manifest in your personal relationships in academic contexts, professional contexts, and civic contexts?

    Relationship Development & Social Exchange Theory

    After reading the chapter entitled “7.1 Foundations of Relationships” found in the Week 5 Learning Resources complete the questions found below.

  4. 1. Analyze one of your relationships in terms of two or more stages of relational interaction (found on pp. 2-6 of the chapter). Do not divulge more than you feel is appropriate. You might select a professional relationship or a relationship with a neighbor or relative to analyze here. Demonstrate that you understand the idea of development in a relationship. Be descriptive in your response.
  5. 2.Explain the social exchange theory. How do you weigh the costs and rewards in your relationships?
  6. Responding Nondefensively Defensiveness can be defined as “
  7. …a protective reaction resulting from fear or a threat to one’s face or ego” (Andersen & Guerrero, 1989). Defensiveness is a behavior that obstructs effective communication and problem solving and often leads to relational problems. One of the great challenges in our interpersonal relationships is responding in a nondefensive manner when we feel we have been criticized. Read the articles found below before responding to this discussion.Don’t Get Defensive How to Stop Being Defensive in Close RelationshipsDon’t Be So Defensive!Defensive CommunicationThe last article is especially valuable and it is from the Week 7 Learning Resources. You also reviewed the same article for a discussion in Week 2.
    Create non-defensive responses to the following criticisms posed by the person in parentheses:
    1. You look terrible! (Spoken by your parent)
    2. You are always late. (A coworker at the office)
    3. Your work was not submitted on time. (A university professor)
    4. You’re acting like a jerk. (Your significant other)
    5. You’re a bad parent. (Your child)
    6. What you said was really hurtful and unkind. (A sibling or close relative
    7. After reading the chapter from the Week 6 Learning Resources entitled “6.2 Communication and Friends” respond to question 1.1. Of the life stages (adolescence – later life) discussed in the chapter, which are you currently in? How do your friendships match up with the book’s description of friendships at this stage? From your experience, do friends change between stages the way the chapter says they do? Why or why not?

      In the article entitled “Differences Between Friendship & Family Relationships in Interpersonal Communication” from the Week 6 Learning Resources, they note the research finding that family relationships are more constant/unchanging than relationships between friends.

      2. Summarize the article “Differences Between Friendship & Family Relationships in Interpersonal Communication” in a descriptive paragraph. Indicate which finding regarding friendship most surprised you and why. What can you do to better nurture your most important friendships?

      3. Consider relationships/friendships that occur only via social media. Are these true friendships/relationships? What aspects of communication could be lacking from these types of relationships? Explain in a well-worded paragraph.

Business Finance Homework Help