Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCJ 3628 FIU What Takes Place in The Body After Death Essay


I don’t understand this question and need help to study.

Briefly Explain what takes place in the body after death; that is, when does the body start to decompose, how does the following variables impact time of death and decomposition of the body:

  • temperature
  • time
  • location of the body ( outdoors, indoors)
  • and FYI ( but not required to address) there are other variables explained in the class text.

To properly answer the three-part question, the student must include a two paragraph response briefly and concisely denoting and addressing all of mentioned the variables ( three) as they relate to time of death. Chapter 9 in the text clearly and concisely explains the dynamics involved on the subject.

Book : Gerberth, V. J. (2015). Practical Homicide Investigation (5th ed.). Taylor & Francis Group.

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