Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Addressing Challenges in the Disaster Response Phase Research Paper


Each student will complete a research paper that will be due no later than the end of the
13 th
week of the semester. A draft of the research paper will be due no later than the 10 th
week of the class. Students are required to write an 8-page paper (minimum) which
addresses a specific problem of the response phase in an in-depth manner. Specific
questions to be answered include: What is a major challenge government officials will
confront during the response phase of disaster? Why is it a problem? Why is this issue
important to resolve? Finally, how can it be overcome by the emergency manager and
other related actors or agencies?
The Research Paper must adhere to the APA writing format. The course BLACKBOARD
shell includes a folder that is complete with information on the APA format and includes
sample papers. General APA formatting guidelines include:
1) Submit your papers in the following font: New Times Roman, 12 point.
2) Set your margins as follows: top and bottom = 1”; left and right = 1”
3) All pages should be numbered at the top right hand of the page.
4) Line spacing should be double spaced.
5) Make sure your paper is properly cited using APA guidelines.
6) Be sure to include a cover page with your work. Place the following information on

Law Homework Help