Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. FSW Student Life Skills My Career Pathway Presentation




To be a successful college student requires that you utilize college resources to enhance your overall college experience. Every student needs help at some point and taking advantage of campus resources eases the challenges of college.

The purpose of this activity is to engage and connect with resources and purposeful events at FSW (Florida SouthWestern State College).

For this assignment you will:

  • Engage in ten different quality campus activities that fall under five categories.
  • Document the experience through photos/screenshots and narrative. Documentation requires an identifying photo of you, or a screenshot that contains your name.
  • Download the Actions from Canvas. Use it as a guide to complete a digital media presentation. (A different presentation platform (Ppt, Prezi, etc.) can be used, but the event order should remain the same. Creative deviations are encouraged.)


· Volunteering at FSW service events will count for two events in the “Other Resources” category.

· It is possible to receive credit for participating in a non-FSW-sponsored community service event with prior approval from your instructor. Please consult your instructor to verify that the event will count towards “Other Resources.”

· For “ground” classes, a maximum of 5 online GPS activities can be used for the GPS.

To be a successful college student, it is important to know your career goal. While many students enter college unsure of their future career choice, or change their minds about their future career, critically thinking about career factors and increasing your level of self-awareness can help you get on the right career pathway.

The purpose of this assignment is to explore one potential career pathway.

For this assignment you will:

  • Identify a career pathway that you are considering pursuing.
  • Research and explore resources online and at FSW to analyze various factors involved in preparing for and working in that career.
  • Download the Actions from Canvas. (A different presentation platform (Ppt, Prezi, etc.) can be used, but the event order should remain the same. Creative deviations are encouraged.)



Title Slide and

10 more component slides

Title Slide and

10 more component slides

  • 1 visit professor/professional
  • 2 workshops
  • 1 academic advisor
  • 1 academic support center
  • 5 “other” activities/events

See assignment guidelines for more information.

  • 8 topics (see MCP template)
    • Career exploration
    • Academic preparation
    • Financing your education
    • Leadership exploration
    • Communication skills
    • Global, local, and cultural engagement
    • Wellness
    • Campus services exploration
  • 1 evaluation (see MCP template)
  • 1 works cited (see MCP template)

See assignment guidelines for more information.

Guidelines for Slides

Guidelines for Slides

  • Name of event
  • Date of event
  • Documentation of your engagement
  • Significance/summary
  • Follow the directions at the bottom of each slide on the MCP template
  • With visuals and text, show application, analysis, and evaluation of each slide’s topic

MLA style required for “Works Cited” slide


GPS/MCP (2020-2021)

GPS/MCP (2020-2021)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEngagement in Assignment – Per Each Component Guidelines

60 pts

Full Engagement- Engagement with/completion of all 10 components per guidelines.

50 pts

High Engagement- Engagement with/completion of 8-9 components per guidelines.

40 pts

Some Engagement- Engagement with/comletion of 6-7 components per guidelines.

25 pts

Little Engagement- Engagement with/completion of 4-5 components per guidelines.

0 pts

Insuffiicient Level of Engagement- Engagement with/completion of less than 4 components per guidelines.

60 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective Written Communication

20 pts

Full Marks- Flawless writing and all required information/significant points communicated effectively, per guidelines for each slide.

18 pts

Good – Minor writing errors and/or slight omissions of required information or significant points, per guidelines for each slide.

15 pts

Fair-Many writing errors and/or several omissions of required information or significant points, per guidelines for each slide.

5 pts

Poor-Unclear writing and/or much information or significant points missing throughout, per guidelines for each slide.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective Visual Presentation (including title slide)

20 pts

Full Marks- Flawless formatting and/or creative use of images/graphics that enhance digital media presentation.

18 pts

Good – Minor errors in formatting and/or adequate use of images/graphics for digital media presentation.

15 pts

Fair- Several errors in formatting and/or minimal or inappropriate use of images/graphics for digital media presentation.

5 pts

Poor- Formatting and/or visuals are inadequate, inappropriate, or incomplete for digital media presentation.

20 pts

Other Homework Help