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Other Homework Help. Post University Plea Bargains Responses


Changes to Court System


First thing i would like to change is Justice. In perception it looks like the main concern is just winning cases, however when justice is deserved than winning is not the only thing that matters justice is.

Second thing is Judges need to be more engaged in cases, they need to take ample of amount of time to make decissions not all suspects are guilty. innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent.

Last thing is that Lawyers of the defendant need to take more time and take their jobs seriously, many times i have witnessed lawyers with the i dont care if he is guilty or not. They need to be reprimanded and held accountable for the job they do. care more we are all people.


Things that I feel should be changed in the court system is: First, Encourage equal sentencing, I feel that there should be the same amount of time done according to the crime, and not based on gender and color, for example if someone committ a murder and it carries a sentence of 20 yrs that person and anyone else should have the same amount of time and it should not show prejudice or based on the person’s mental state, they knew what they were doing before it was done. Second, Tighter gun laws, it should not be so easy to get a gun and I know we have a right to bear arms but it should be tighter restrictions in purchasing a gun such as mental evaluation and seeing if that person is stable enough to carry a gun and the person is not a threat to society. Third, a tighter law to protect the ones who have been abused and have a restraining order against someone, if a person is still contacting this person and they feel like they are in danger for their lives it should be a tougher sentence than for the defendant to go to court and is granted a second chance or a low enough bond where they can get out and possibly go and do it again but this time it may end in death.

Plea Bargains


plea bargaining is where the prosecutor and the defense attorney come up with a verdict of guilty and the suspect gets a lesser sentence. the 3 types of plea bargaining is charge bargaining, fact bargaining, and sentence bargaining. Plea bargaining is used so that either defendant lawyer or prosecutor don’t want to go to trial so they make a predestined verdict and sentencing. Disadvantages of a plea bargaining is bypassing the constitutional right of a fair trial. another disadvantage is not all suspects is guilty of the crime accused, meaning they could get punished for something they did not commit. I do not think plea barening is ethical, because our court system is just being lazy and know that they don’t have enough supporting evidence so they chock up a Plea bargain. I think our justice system can function without plea bargaining, however I do not think that most prosecuting lawyers can win as many cases if it was abolished.


here are various types of plea bargaining. One is called charge bargaining and that is when the prosecution agrees to allow a defendant to plead to a lesser charge in return for dismissing a more serious charge. For example, when a defendant pleads guilty to manslaughter charge in order for the courts not to charge the defendant with murder. Another type would be sentencing bargaining, this is when assurance of lighter or alternative sentence is given in return for a defendant pleading guilty, for example, when a defendant plead guilty to murder in order to avoid the death penalty. Plea bargaining is used in the criminal justice system by a defendant pleading guilty to get a lesser sentence and there is advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of plea bargaining is the prosecution saves time and expenses of a lengthy trial and both sides are spared the uncertainty of going to trial and the disadvantage is that it eleminates the chances of an appeal, and provides soft justice for the guilty, so if you are tried for a crime and it carries a sentence of 20 years it could be reduced because of a plea bargain deal. I feel that plea bargaining is ethical because everyone has a right to a speedy trial and it is offered as an alternative of a getting the full sentence, especially if it a first time offender. The court system in my opinion can not function without plea bargaining, because it would cost the courts large sums of money to go to trial and also judges would be dealing with case overload.

Unit 4 DB


The process and activities linked to how an organization manages the release of software that has been generated are referred to as deployment. This can include sending items to end consumers, deploying products to internal or external hosts, and running software through its typical activities. One of the maturity levels related to deployment is environment hardening. Environment Hardening is described as putting rules in place for the operating environment that surrounds an organization’s software in order to improve the security of previously deployed applications. Environment Hardening focuses on ensuring the runtime environment that has kept the organization going thus far. Because flaws in external components might compromise an application’s security, hardening the underlying infrastructure immediately enhances the software’s overall security posture. The use of simple tracking and distribution of information about the operating environment in order to keep development teams better informed is an example of environment hardening in a business. An organization relies on scalable methods for managing security patch deployment and instructing operating environments with detectors for potential security issues before severe damage is done.

As a company grows, protection measures are deployed to add layers of defenses and safety nets to the operating environment, limiting the amount of damage that may be done to vulnerabilities. Understanding the baseline operational environment for application and software components is the initial goal of environment hardening. This is executed through , “ Maintaining operational environment specifications and identifying and installing critical security upgrades and patches.” The second goal is to increase application operation confidence by hardening the operating environment. This entails activities of “establishing routine patch management processes and monitoring baseline environment configuration status.”
Validating the application’s health and the status of the operating environment is the last goal. Activities to implement this include, “ identifying and applying relevant operations and protection tools while expanding audit programs for environment configuration.”


Environment Hardening is the practice of quality assurance and security in running software. External factors can contribute to an insecure environment so by directly hardening the underlying infrastructure. Communication is essential, and the organization should deploy security methods to create a safe working environment. Using the SAMM model and identifying potential hazards early on can differentiate between a detrimental attack and a small virus. By starting with simple tracking and distributing of information about the operating environment to keep development teams better informed, an organization evolves to scalable methods for managing deployment of security patches and instrumenting the operating environment with early-warning detectors for potential security issues before damage is done. (“SAMM a guide to building security into software development,” 2021). The objectives of environment hardening are understanding the environment, improving confidence in your applications, and validating best practices to ensure the operational health of the software. Roadmaps are vital in knowing the direction of safety and what improvements are needed. The assessments conducted are as audits, and when risks are found, security patches can be implemented. Because security flaws contained in any module in that large software stack affect the overall security of the organization’s software, critical security updates for elements of the technology stack must be installed. (“SAMM a guide to building security into software development,” 2021). 

Other Homework Help