Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Curtin College Remediation in the Contemporary Practice Essay


Question:Remediation is a key contemporary practice that performs McLuhan’s earlier notion that ‘the medium is the message.’ Critically discuss, utilizing the concepts you have learned in the unit and applying critical understandings of media cultures and institutions.

In answering the question, you should also draw on critical texts and other media examples to support your argument. You will need to consult academic text to support your ideas, which should at minimum include some of the set readings for the unit, but also draw on academic sources found through your own research. A good essay is likely to include at least seven scholarly sources (e.g., books or articles from peer-reviewed journals written by academics).

In researching your answer, think about audience, cultural context, media organisations and institutions. Your essay may choose to focus on just one type of media ‘use’ we have covered, or could refer to one of more from entertainment, play, information and communication.

Your essay should be properly referenced according to APA 7th ed guidelines and include a reference list.

This assignment will be marked according to how well it:

  • Constructs an argument/ thesis
  • Provides an informed, critical analysis using peer-review scholarly references (via readings or independent research)
  • Presents information in a clear, coherent manner
  • Engages the reader and effectively communicates
  • Correctly references sources used

Business Finance Homework Help