Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ashworth College Week 1 House Husbands and Issues of Divorce Discussion



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As a helping professional, you will face issues of divorce, child abuse, homosexuality, house husbands, spousal abuse, elder abuse, dependency, and so forth. Watch each of these six segments from Films on Demand. In a 250-300 word post discuss how you would contain or express your perspective on these issues in a setting where you personally had strong reactions in the negative.  What is your identified role and how do you fulfill that while allowing clients/patients to have their own personal beliefs? Respond to at least two of your classmate’s posts.


hello Everyone,

Conflict is an unavoidable part of life, globally, nationally, professionally, or personally. It is undeniable in the human administrations, where clashes are standardizing side-effects of assisting individuals with issues and attempting to change on close to cultural, professional, and personal levels. However, a significant issue for some laborers is their powerlessness to dissent, introduce differing perspectives, reject a request, examine an emotionally stacked problem, or say “no” invaluable manners. On account of these feelings, laborers might deal with stacked circumstances with avoidance, assault, or bogus lack of involvement. (Moffat, C. T. (2011) According to our coursebook, individuals who try to utilize themselves successfully in a discipline and knowledgeable way involved with others should endeavor to foster individual objectivity dependent on such characteristics as attention to self and personal requirements, shortcomings, and qualities, capacity to relate unreservedly and not let previous encounters cloud their judgment, transparency and opportunity to see with clarity and connect with trustworthiness, paying little mind to how unique or comparative others might be, and capacity to see and assess qualities, mentalities, and examples of conduct of the gatherings which they view themselves as separated of or vary and remain solitary when fundamental. (Moffat, C. T. (2011).

My expertise objectives incorporate working with grown-up defensive administrations. I would assess reports of abuse and evaluate whether these circumstances meet the standards for neglect, abuse, exploration, or neglect (Moffat, C. T. (2011). Then, at that point, I would figure out what service, assuming any, would be advantageous to the customer’s prosperity and autonomy. As indicated by our reading material posing inquiries, for example, Am I alright with struggle? Or on the other hand, Do I realize how to deal with labor in productive ways that lead to change and development? They are critical in figuring out how to know and utilize oneself. I imagine that each circumstance is distinctive, as displayed in the recordings for this conversation. Yet, it’s about having the outlook to be level-headed, socially mindful, self-assured, and productive in these circumstances.


Moffat, C. T. (2011). Helping those in need: Human service workers. Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 55(3), 22.32. Retrieved from the Academic Search Premier database.

Genesis Robles

Nov 17, 2021 at 3:50 PM

Working in human services there will be many issues such as divorce, child abuse, homosexuality, house husbands, spousal abuse, elder abuse, dependency and so on. Working in this field you have to have tough skin and have the ability to put your emotions to the side when dealing with clients, because you don’t want to worry or upset them more than what they already are. My identified role would be a therapist or a counselor, so having this authority, I would fulfill my duties while allowing clients to have their own personal beliefs on a situation they have that I had strong reactions in the negative to by allowing them to speak more than myself and giving input as needed. You are trained to keep your composure in this field, so if I ever feel overwhelmed I would never express that to a client, If anything I would excuse myself from the situation momentarily without disclosing any information as to why, or even fabricate that I need to run to the restroom. It is our job to assist our clients the best way that works in their favor, and sometimes we can become clouded by our own opinion that we may want to direct things recklessly our of anger, it is very detrimental to ourselves and our clients that we keep things professional at all times in order to avoid these type situations. The health of our client comes first, therefore excusing yourself from a negative moment you cannot handle would be best and it also refrains from any biased opinions on your end. 

Health Medical Homework Help