Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UP Criminal Justice Discussion


his is 2 different student post… you must respond with 45 words each whether you agree or disagree… state facts/opinions as well

1)I think the relationship between civilians and law enforcement will be or rather remain a big challenge. Not all but a lot people hate police officers. Hate is a strong word but its the truth. In my city its really uncanny how different precincts react to police presence. In the precinct I work in people hate us and they tell us regularly. However in another precinct EVERYBODY loves us. They come out and talk to us shake our hands and we start to know each other. I just know that its like that everywhere and its never going to change. People must learn to talk and listen to each other. Those that back police officers and those that disagree with law enforcement always have to one up each other. There is never room for common ground. Next is the courtroom you’re always going to have judges and prosecutors looking to get justice and looking to boost numbers. Moving on to prisons and jails, criminals are treated like animals. Their living conditions are terrible. There is assault, murder, rape and extortion. All of these conditions will only make a person worse. And worse than that if someone is wrongly convicted for something and they go into one of these facilities they will be eaten alive or they becoming monsters.

2)The most challenging ethical elements of criminal justice in the future I feel would be Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers. These two play a big role in the criminal justice system. And right now the world is seeing police brutality and racism between the communities and police. People dying in the hands of correctional officers as soon as they are being booked. This has been going on for awhile. Now that people are standing up and fighting for their fights as humans, and letting people know this is really happening in the world. To see a change, this will take time. Maybe years. One thing is that some police departments are saying they are providing better education on how to deal with certain situations. But, if they react too fast that situation can be deadly. The same goes with prison guards. In Texas, at the Collin detention center there has been way too many homicides. These were in the hands of correctional officers. The detention center stated they were going to come up with a plan to help train these officers to deal with situation like Marvin Scott III. Situation like this will take a lot of training, time and the officers are going to want to change.

Law Homework Help