Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. 30 Question Macro Economic Assignemnt


Some are multiple-choice and others require being solved and worked through. Will list the topics that are covered at the bottom of this description. Can only send one question at a time. Can not go back to a question either. Once it is complete it’s gone. There is no time limit. You are able to stop at one question and come back at a later time which I will have to do. If you don’t feel confident in doing these Pearson my lab econ questions to a 100% certainty, please don’t bid on the question because I will give a bad review.

Outline 1 (Chapter 5: The Wealth of Nations – Defining and Measuring Macroeconomic Aggregates)

  • Macroeconomic Questions
  • National Income Accounts: Production = Expenditure = Income
    • Production
    • Expenditure
    • Income
    • Circular Flows
    • National Income Accounts: Production
    • National Income Accounts: Expenditure
    • National Income Accounting: Income
  • What isn’t measured by GDP?
    • Physical capital depreciation
    • Home production
    • The Underground Economy
    • Negative Externalities
    • Gross domestic product versus Gross national product
    • The increase in income inequality
    • Leisure
    • Does GDP buy happiness?
  • Real versus Nominal
    • The GDP Deflator
    • The Consumer Price Index
    • Inflation
    • Adjusting Nominal Variables

Outline 2 (Chapter 6: Aggregate Incomes)

  • Inequality around the world
  • Productivity and the aggregate production function
    • Productivity differences
    • The aggregate production function
    • Labor
    • Physical Capital and Land
    • Technology
    • Representing the Aggregate Production Function
  • The role and determinants of technology
    • Technology
    • Dimensions of Technology
    • Entrepreneurship

Outline 3 (Chapter 9: Employment and Unemployment)

  • Measuring employment and unemployment
  • Equilibrium in the labor market
    • The demand for labor
    • Shifts in the labor demand curve
    • The supply of labor
    • Shifts in the labor supply curve
    • Equilibrium in a competitive labor market
  • Why is there unemployment?
    • Voluntary unemployment
    • Job search and frictional unemployment
  • Wage rigidity and structural unemployment
    • Minimum wage laws
    • Labor unions and collective bargaining
    • Efficiency wages
    • Downward wage rigidity
  • Cyclical unemployment and the natural rate of unemployment

Outline 4 (Chapter 11: The Monetary System)

  • Money
    • The functions of money
    • Types of money
    • The money supply
  • Money, prices and GDP
    • Nominal GDP, real GDP and inflation
    • The quantity theory of money
  • Inflation
    • What causes inflation?
    • The consequences of inflation
    • The social costs of inflation
    • The social benefits of inflation
  • The Federal Reserve
    • The Central Bank and the objectives of monetary policy
    • What does the central bank do?
  • Bank reserves and the plumbing of the monetary system
    • Bank reserves and liquidity
    • The demand side of the federal funds market
    • The supply side of the federal funds market and equilibrium in the Federal funds market
    • The Fed’s influences on the money supply and the inflation rate
    • The relationship between the federal funds rate and the long-term real interest rate

Outline 5 (Chapter 12: Short-Run Fluctuations)

  • Economic fluctuations and business cycle
  • Macroeconomic Equilibrium and Economic Fluctuations
    • Labor Demand and Fluctuations
    • Sources of Fluctuations
      • Technology shocks: Explanation from real business cycle theory
      • Sentiments and multipliers: Explanation from John Maynard Keynes
      • Monetary and Financial Factors: Explanation from Milton Friedman
    • Multipliers and Economic Fluctuations
    • Equilibrium in the medium run: Partial recovery and Full recovery
  • Modeling Expansions

Outline 6 (Chapter 13: Countercyclical Macroeconomic Policy)

  • The role of countercyclical policies in economic fluctuations
  • Countercyclical monetary policy
    • Controlling the federal funds rate
    • Other tools of the Fed
    • Expectations, Inflation and Monetary Policy
    • Contractionary monetary policy: control of inflation
    • Zero lower bound
    • Policy Trade-offs
  • Countercyclical Fiscal Policy
    • Fiscal policy over the business cycle: Automatic and Discretionary components
    • Analysis of Expenditure based fiscal policy
    • Analysis of taxation based fiscal policy
    • Fiscal policies that directly target the labor market

Policy waste and policy lags

Economics Homework Help