Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. javascript


JavaScript foundations: Object shorthand & spread


To complete this Practice problem, you will update the existing functions in src/solution.js to use new syntax you have learned. Use object shorthand and the spread operator whenever possible.

Note: The second function makes use of the .concat() method. While you will be replacing it, you can learn more about it at the link below.


Modify each function below to continue working with the suggested syntax.

When a function’s parameters reference `product`, it is referring to an object. Each object has the following shape:


name: “Washed Black Denim Overalls”,

priceInCents: 12000,

availableSizes: [ 28, 30, 32, 36 ]



// `salesTax` is a decimal number, like 0.065

function createSalesProduct(product, salesTax) {

return {


availableSizes: product.availableSizes,

salesTax: 0.065,

priceInCents: product.priceInCents * (1 + salesTax),



function joinSizes(productA, productB) {

const result = …productA.availableSizes, …productB.availableSizes;


return result;


JavaScript foundations: Default parameters


To complete this Practice problem, you will do the following:

  • Update each function to use argument defaults. You will also need to destructure objects.


You will need to update the function so that it works in the following ways:

// Typical use
  name: "Slip Dress",
  priceInCents: 8800,
  availableSizes: [0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16],
}); //> $88.00

// Missing `priceInCents` key
  name: "Slip Dress",
  availableSizes: [0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16],
}); //> $0.00

// No arguments
getPriceInDollars(); //> $0.00


You will need to update the function so that it works in the following ways:

// Typical use
    name: "Slip Dress",
    priceInCents: 8800,
    availableSizes: [0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16],
); //> true

// Missing `availableSizes` key
    name: "Slip Dress",
    priceInCents: 8800,
); //> false

// Missing entire product
checkIfSizeIsAvailable(undefined, 10); //> false

// No arguments
checkIfSizeIsAvailable(); //> false

The following functions have various syntax errors in them. Fix the bugs to get the tests to pass!

When any of the following function’s parameters reference `product`, they are referencing an object with the following shape:


name: “Slip Dress”,

priceInCents: 8800,

availableSizes: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16 ]



function getPriceInDollars(product) {

return “$” + (product.priceInCents / 100).toFixed(2);


// `size` is a number between 0 and 16.

function checkIfSizeIsAvailable(product, size) {

let sizes = product.availableSizes;

for (let i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {

if (sizes[i] === size) {

return true;



return false;


Programming Homework Help